Male Tummy Tuck Bellevue 

More men are undergoing cosmetic surgeries than ever before. While cosmetic procedures often held an increased taboo for men, this has lessened and many men are discovering the many benefits of cosmetic surgery and treatments. Tummy tuck surgery is often associated with women because it can help repair the body after pregnancy. However, men tummy tuck patients are increasing in number with many finding relief from extra skin following weight loss and diastasis recti. The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery offers the best male tummy tuck Bellevue provides.

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck—more formally known as an abdominoplasty—is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin from the lower abdomen and can repair the separation of the abdominal muscles, also called diastasis recti. It involves a linear scar roughly from hip to hip on the lower abdomen.

Male abdominoplasty is common after massive weight loss or weight loss surgery. This can cause skin to accumulate on the lower abdomen and create a pooch-like appearance. In severe cases, it can interrupt urinary and sexual function. Additionally, while diastasis recti is less common in men, it can happen with weight loss, injury from working out, or due to hernias. Therefore, male patients may also benefit from diastasis recti repair at the same time as their abdominoplasty surgery.

Differences In A Male Abdominoplasty

The mechanics of a tummy tuck surgery remain the same between men and women. However, there are a few differences in the goals of a male abdominoplasty than that of one performed on a woman.

  • A male tummy tuck aims to enhance the male physique. While on a woman, liposuction may be used to accentuate the waist, an abdominoplasty on a man will focus more on defining the look of the abdominal muscles. Men also tend to favor a straighter shape or V-shaped torso. When performing the surgery, Dr. Jonov preserves these goals of natural masculine contours.
  • Diastasis recti is less likely to be necessary during a male abdominoplasty. Men are less susceptible to abdominal muscle separation because the most common cause is the stretching of the stomach associated with pregnancy. However, it can still occur and if it has, Dr. Jonov can address it at the same time as a tummy tuck.
  • The belly button created during the procedure also tends to have subtle differences from a female one.
  • Men do not wear undergarments and swimwear as low cut as women and thus sometimes the incision can be made higher if needed.
  • The incision tends to be straighter.


A male tummy tuck offers patients many possible benefits.

  • Flatter tummy
  • More defined abdominal muscles and appearance
  • Extra skin removal
  • Reveal the body’s true contours after weight loss
  • Improve sexual health
  • Repair diastasis recti
  • Enhance personal confidence
  • May help reduce back pain
  • Hernia correction
  • Allow for easier time exercising
  • Can be combined with liposuction for improved results

Individual benefits may vary between patients, and Dr. Jonov will discuss these with you during a consultation and subsequent appointments.

Good Candidates For A Male Tummy Tuck

A good candidate for an abdominoplasty for men in Bellevue will be in overall good health. Any major health conditions are well managed and treated. If a patient is still in the process of losing weight, they should be within about 20 pounds of their goal. Otherwise, patients should have realistic expectations and an understanding of the procedure and expected outcome.

Dr. Jonov will evaluate patients for their candidacy during a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery. He will review the patient’s medical history and goals as well as conduct a brief physical examination. From there, he will communicate the results he can achieve and whether a tummy tuck is the best option for the patient.

Male Tummy Tuck: From Start To Finish

Once a patient is placed under general anesthesia, Dr. Jonov will likely start the procedure with liposuction. This allows him to remove fat before addressing the extra skin which leads to a tighter physique. He will focus on defining the abdominal muscles and creating a masculine physique. From there, he will make an incision on the lower abdomen to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining skin over the body’s contours. He may perform additional liposuction throughout the process as necessary. Dr. Jonov will then stitch the incision and create the new belly button.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is A Male Tummy Tuck Worth It?

Male tummy tuck results are frequently worth it for patients, especially those who suffer from copious amounts of extra skin after weight loss. Abdominoplasty surgery remains one of the most popular procedures for men and women because of the life-changing results it can provide.

What Is The Recovery Time For A Male Tummy Tuck?

Initially, patients will need to take about two to three weeks off work. Strenuous exercise cannot commence until about eight weeks post-op and certain weight-lifting exercises may require longer before Dr. Jonov clears you to perform them. This is to prevent the incision from ripping open or damaging the healing muscles. Understandably, this can be frustrating, but following the recovery instructions ultimately lowers the risk of complications and promotes better-looking results.

How Much Does A Male Tummy Tuck Cost In Bellevue?

The cost of a male tummy tuck starts at $7,485. The exact cost will vary depending on if liposuction is performed, the patient’s needs, and other factors. The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery does accept Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit so patients can finance their tummy tuck surgery.

The Best Tummy Tuck For Men At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery

The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery is a leading cosmetic surgery clinic and medical spa serving Bellevue, WA. Seeing patients of all backgrounds and identities, Dr. Jonov takes the time to understand each patient’s unique needs and preferences to create a treatment plan that optimizes and balances all necessary factors. The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery provides the best male abdominoplasty Bellevue offers.

Dr. Craig Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon with over two decades of experience performing high-quality cosmetic surgeries. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.