Procedure Time: Varies
Recovery Time: 1 Week
Overview: Gynecomastia
Enlarged male breasts affect an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. This condition, called gynecomastia, may affect one or both breasts and a great source of shame. Dr. Jonov offers Seattle area men the opportunity to have a sleeker, more masculine chest with male breast reduction surgery. This procedure removes fat and glandular tissue from the breasts and in extreme cases removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured. Dr. Jonov also performs this surgery on men with excess or sagging tissue in the chest area due to a massive weight loss.
Surgical Technique
Gynecomastia surgery begins with a minute incision at the base of the areola. By using this location, scarring, if any, is minimal and hidden by the different skin tone. Your surgeon will then utilize liposuction to remove the excess soft tissue and fat deposits in the breast area to reduce the volume of underlying material. Various methods of liposuction may be utilized depending on your desires and your body structure. Each method will be discussed in your consultation so that you are better informed and have realistic expectations about your results. The entire procedure can be performed in an hour. After surgery, you can expect a few days of downtime before returning to work. After roughly four weeks, you should be able to return to more physically-intensive activities, such as regular exercise.


Questions about Gynecomastia Procedures
Will This Help my Pecs?
Every man is born with some soft tissue covering his pectoralis muscles. When this breast tissue overgrows into larger breasts, the pecs are often hidden. Through male breast reduction surgery, Dr. Jonov removes the excess tissue so the natural contour and shape of the chest wall seen. Men who wish to tone and strengthen their chest muscles have equal opportunity to do so. Strength training helps lead to optimal results once the doctor removes this tissue.
Is Liposuction Always Needed?
In most cases, yes. The soft tissue and fat that collects in excess will need to be removed using liposuction. There are many liposuction techniques to consider. Some are less invasive and help the skin become tighter on the chest wall. We can discuss these options during your consultation.
What About Scarring?
Incisions for this surgery are well concealed. They are usually placed around or near the areola and are typically small enough that scarring is minimized. Over time, the incision lines fade and become almost nonexistent for most men.
Contact Us
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jonov or with questions about Gynecomastia at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery serving Kirkland, Bellevue & Lynnwood, WA.
During/After Gynecomastia Surgery
Dr. Jonov performs all male breast reduction procedures under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure at an accredited surgical facility. The surgery typically lasts about an hour. Following surgery, expect some swelling and wear a compression garment for 1-2 weeks. Most patients can resume normal work schedules within a few days and incorporate exercise within 4 weeks. This surgery allows men to feel more confident when exposing their chest due to a firmer, flatter chest. In most cases, scarring is inconspicuous.
”I have suffered from gynecomestia since i was 11 years old. It affected my day to day life due that i had low self esteem from having a chest that is abnormal from all other male. I was working out 4 times a week with a strict diet plan for the last 4 years. I dropped my body fat to 15% thinking that i will lose those manboobs but i was wrong. I did a research about the symptom online to find out that i had gynecomastia meaning that i have a gland tissue under my chest area that won’t go away regardless dieting or working out. After knowing that i started looking for a good surgeon around Seattle area and i came across Dr.Jonov website to found out that he was doing gynecomastia surgery. I set an appointment and got into the office at first i was thinking that i was the only male who is going to have the surgery but the staff assured Dr.Jonov have performed many gynecomastia surgery. The doc told me that he will do smart lipo and incision to remove the gland. After having the surgery i am so happy and feel more masculine than ever I recommend Dr.Jonov to any men suffering gynecomastia, i don’t have to worry anymore about how my chest looks like around people and i can finally go swim without stress or humiliation.
MikeDr.Jonov changed my life