Breast Augmentation

(Saline Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Silicone Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Gummy Bear Round Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Gummy Bear Anatomical Implant)




Breast augmentation Kirkland can help enhance an important part of a womanly contour. Women unhappy with their breast size or breast shape may seek breast enlargement with breast implants Kirkland. Dr. Craig Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery performs breast augmentation on a weekly basis and is considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Kirkland for breast augmentation. With top quality service and a large selection of breast implant offerings, Dr. Jonov offers the best breast augmentation Kirkland offers at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery.


Breast augmentation surgery Kirkland, as mentioned above, increases the size and enhances the shape of the breasts. In most cases, this is achieved through the surgical placement of breast implants Kirkland. Breast implants come in two main varieties: saline and silicone. Furthermore, silicone implants Kirkland also encompass the newest generation of silicone implants: gummy bear implants. Gummy bear implants contain state-of-the-art cohesive gel that holds its shape better than previous breast implants. Additionally, gummy bear implants are less likely to rupture and have a lower risk of capsular contracture than saline implants Kirkland.

Breast implants have more than just cosmetic benefits and uses. Breast augmentation can address deformities and situations such as:

  • Tuberous breasts
  • Breast reconstruction (like after mastectomy or injury)
  • Asymmetric breasts
  • Loss of breast volume due to childbirth and breastfeeding
  • Weight loss resulting in smaller breasts
  • Male-to-Female transgender transition
  • Breast indents or deformities caused from biopsies or other procedures


Along with treating specific breast concerns, breast augmentation and implants can provide many cosmetic benefits. A few of the benefits you may experience after breast implant surgery in Kirkland are:

  • Fuller breasts
  • Rounder, or enhanced shape
  • Improved body proportions
  • Better fitting clothes
  • Increased projection of the breasts
  • Positive psychological effects such as improved self esteem and increased confidence


Most people seeking breast augmentation know the importance of choosing the right size and type of implant. A part of the process often overlooked are your options for the incision and placement of Kirkland breast implants. These options allow you to prioritize and plan for post-surgical scarring as well as address your specific needs. 

Breast Augmentation Incisions

There are four main types of Kirkland breast augmentation incision: inframammary fold, periareolar, transaxillary, and trans-umbilical. This refers to the part of the body or breast where the incision is made. Every patient and breast augmentation surgery Kirkland requires a discussion about the best incision placement. Dr. Jonov can discuss the advantages of each. As well as which may benefit you best based on your anatomy and goals.

1. Inframammary Fold (IMF):

An inframammary fold, or IMF, incision hides the incision in the crease where the breast meets the chest. This is a popular choice because the incision is typically hidden and heals well. This incision placement can also accommodate implants of every type and size. Scarring is usually minimal and easy to hide with normal clothing and swimwear. It also does not affect nipple sensation and should allow for breastfeeding after your Kirkland breast augmentation.

The IMF approach also allows Dr. Jonov greater control during the procedure. For larger implants or procedures that require the utmost precision, Dr. Jonov may favor this incision option.

2. Periareolar:

A periareolar incision involves an incision along the bottom of the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple. This incision is advantageous for breast augmentation Kirkland because the incision is typically smaller than those located elsewhere and areola incisions usually heal well. Subsequent scarring is hidden under normal clothing and this incision allows Dr. Jonov to place breast implants Kirkland precisely through a smaller incision. 

However, this incision option is not favorable for people with small nipples or areolas. It also has the rare chance of damaging the milk ducts on the breast, or decreasing nipple sensation. While these are rare complications, the chance is higher with a periareolar incision than with other breast augmentation incisions.

3. Transaxillary: 

The transaxillary approach places breast implants through incisions in the armpit. This placement may be preferred in some patients based on their anatomy and preferences. While it works best with saline implants Kirkland, it is possible to place silicone implants Kirkland through an armpit incision. Transaxillary breast augmentation has become more popular because the incisions usually heal well and keloids are rare in the armpit.

This incision placement may not be optimal if you also require a breast lift or breast surgery. However, it usually does not damage the nipples, sensation, or milk ducts. Transaxillary breast augmentation does offer Dr. Jonov less control than other incisions. This means that choosing this incision requires careful consideration and an ideal candidate.

4. Transumbilical: 

A transumbilical breast augmentation Kirkland is possible, although not as commonly performed. This method utilizes a small incision in or near the belly button. Many patients are interested in this incision because it keeps scars away from the breasts and is usually smaller than traditional breast augmentation incisions.

The transumbilical incision does come with some limitations. Due to the size and location of the incision, only unfilled saline breast implants Kirkland can be placed through them. Other breast surgeries also cannot be performed through this incision. Transumbilical breast augmentation sometimes has a lower rate of infection and post-operative pain.

Breast Implant Placement

The placement of your breast implants has two options: above the pectoral muscle or below the pectoral muscle. Each placement option has it’s advantages and disadvantages. Dr. Jonov can discuss the best placement for your Kirkland breast augmentation based on your goals and anatomy.

1. Subglandular:

Subglandular refers to the placement of breast implants above the chest muscle. It places the implants behind your skin and breast glands, while the implant sits on top of the muscle. Major advantages of this placement include:

  • No dissection of the pectoralis muscle
  • Often a shorter, more comfortable recovery
  • No distortion caused with arm movement which sometimes occurs with implants under the muscle
  • May benefit patients who are extremely active
  • Implants often age more naturally in this position
  • May provide some lift for breasts with minor or early sagging

The subglandular placement does come with a few disadvantages and most patients opt for submuscular placement for breast implants Kirkland. Chatting with Dr. Jonov about your specific breast augmentation Kirkland needs and desires will help determine the best breast implant placement for you. A few of the possible drawbacks of placing implants above the muscle include:

  • Higher rates of capsular contracture
  • Increased risk of visible wrinkling or rippling
  • May interfere with mammography
  • Not suitable for thin patients or those with little breast tissue due to increased risk of rippling

2. Submuscular:

Submuscular breast augmentation Kirkland is when Dr. Jonov places breast implants Kirkland under the chest muscle. This placement option has become increasingly popular and many prefer submuscular breast augmentation because it lowers the risk of some complications. A few advantages of submuscular breast implant placement  include:

  • Reduces risk of capsular capsular
  • Decreases likelihood of rippling or wrinkling
  • Usually better for thin or petite patients, or those with little natural breast tissue

Patients frequently choose under the muscle placement because it disguises the implant and reduces the chance of complications. However, submuscular placement does come with some disadvantages like:

  • Longer recovery
  • Implants can look distorted with certain muscle movements
  • Takes longer for the breasts to drop and settle
  • Often not suitable for especially active patients


Your Kirkland breast augmentation recovery will depend on the type of implant, incision, and placement you choose. As well as facets of your general health and anatomy. Ordinarily, patients respond well to surgery and find themselves fully returning to their normal lives in about two weeks. 

Most patients take at least a few days off work with most going back to work in a week or so. It is important to stay in contact with Dr. Jonov and The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery to ensure that your recovery timeline remains accurate. You should refrain from strenuous activities for at least two weeks and lifting more than ten pounds for six weeks. This prevents patients recovering from breast augmentation surgery Kirkland from damaging their incisions or surgical result.

You will receive individualized instructions for recovering from your breast augmentation in Kirkland. In most cases, Dr. Jonov recommends:

  • Ultrasound lymphatic massages
  • Wearing your surgical bra correctly and until told you can switch to traditional bras
  • Taking your antibiotics and pain medications as directed following surgery
  • Contacting The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery if you experience any concerning symptoms or have any questions


Most healthy women above the age of 18 (for saline implants) or 22 (for any type) are candidates for breast augmentation. As a surgery with many options for surgical technique and implant, most women are eligible for Kirkland breast augmentation. 

Common health conditions usually do not disqualify you from breast augmentation Kirkland. However, if you have severe or unmanaged conditions, you may not be a candidate for surgery. Additionally, if you plan on having children within a year after breast augmentation, you may consider waiting. Most Kirkland breast augmentation surgeries will not disrupt the ability to breastfeed. However, pregnancy and childbirth can change the look and size of your breasts.

Finally, potential breast augmentation candidates should have clear and realistic expectations for the placement of breast implants Kirkland. Knowing what you want and what is possible from a breast augmentation procedure is one of the key elements on what makes the perfect candidate for plastic surgery.


A Before Photo of a Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery by Dr. Craig Jonov in Bellevue, Kirkland, and Lynnwood


An After Photo of a Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery by Dr. Craig Jonov in Bellevue, Kirkland, and Lynnwood


Contact Us

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jonov or with questions Breast Augmentation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery serving Kirkland, Bellevue, & Lynnwood, WA. The Gallery also accommodates patients traveling from Vancouver, BC for Breast Augmentation.

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    What people want most when they go to a plastic surgeon is an excellent result. That is what I got when Dr. Jonov performed reconstructive surgery on my breasts. I am ecstatic with the results – the doctor exceeded my expectations! In addition, Dr. Jonov is compassionate and kind and took the time to address my concerns and to check in on me the evening of the surgery.Besides the expertise of Dr. Jonov, I also received wonderful service from each and every person that I came into contact with at the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery; from the beginning of the planning process, through the surgery itself, to post-operative care. I strongly recommend Dr. Jonov and his team to anyone interested in breast surgery!

    SandraI strongly recommend Dr. Jonov and his team to anyone interested in breast surgery!


    Making your Kirkland breast augmentation affordable is one of the main goals of The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery team. Our breast augmentation prices vary based on the implant type you choose. Saline breast augmentation starts at $4,995 and silicone breast augmentation begins at $6,495. These prices can fluctuate depending on other aspects of your surgery and implants. 

    The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery works with outside financing companies: Care Credit, Alphaeon Credit, and United Medical Credit. You can find more information and direct links to apply on our financing page.


    Breast augmentation is Dr. Craig Jonov’s number one procedure at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery. With over twenty years performing plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body, he is one of Kirkland’s foremost plastic surgeons. 

    Our surgery center allows for a private exit and is fully accredited. The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery offers a warm environment with inviting couches and amenities to keep you comfortable. We also feature modern treatment rooms for injectable and esthetic procedures.

    To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.



    What is the most recommended breast implant Kirkland?

    The most popular breast implants Kirkland offers tend to be silicone breast implants and more specifically, gummy bear breast implants. These new generation silicone implants feature a highly cohesive silicone gel that is unlikely to leak or rupture. Many patients also believe that their Kirkland breast augmentation results look and feel more natural with gummy bear breast implants. This is why Dr. Jonov frequently recommended them.

    What is the cheapest breast implant in Kirkland?

    The least expensive breast implant is saline implants Kirkland. These implants come empty and are filled with sterile saline during the procedure. This makes them the most cost effective option for breast augmentation Kirkland. However, they do not tend to look or feel as natural and may have a slightly increased risk of rupture.

    How do breast implants feel inside you?

    Breast implants Kirkland are designed to feel like natural breast tissue. During the healing process, you may feel the implants more than normal. Once you heal, you will likely will not even notice they are there. It can take a week or two to fully get used to the feeling of the implants. Still, most breast augmentation Kirkland patients have few problems adjusting and get used to the increased breast volume.

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