Breast Augmentation Incisions
There are four main types of Kirkland breast augmentation incision: inframammary fold, periareolar, transaxillary, and trans-umbilical. This refers to the part of the body or breast where the incision is made. Every patient and breast augmentation surgery Kirkland requires a discussion about the best incision placement. Dr. Jonov can discuss the advantages of each. As well as which may benefit you best based on your anatomy and goals.
1. Inframammary Fold (IMF):
An inframammary fold, or IMF, incision hides the incision in the crease where the breast meets the chest. This is a popular choice because the incision is typically hidden and heals well. This incision placement can also accommodate implants of every type and size. Scarring is usually minimal and easy to hide with normal clothing and swimwear. It also does not affect nipple sensation and should allow for breastfeeding after your Kirkland breast augmentation.
The IMF approach also allows Dr. Jonov greater control during the procedure. For larger implants or procedures that require the utmost precision, Dr. Jonov may favor this incision option.
2. Periareolar:
A periareolar incision involves an incision along the bottom of the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple. This incision is advantageous for breast augmentation Kirkland because the incision is typically smaller than those located elsewhere and areola incisions usually heal well. Subsequent scarring is hidden under normal clothing and this incision allows Dr. Jonov to place breast implants Kirkland precisely through a smaller incision.
However, this incision option is not favorable for people with small nipples or areolas. It also has the rare chance of damaging the milk ducts on the breast, or decreasing nipple sensation. While these are rare complications, the chance is higher with a periareolar incision than with other breast augmentation incisions.
3. Transaxillary:
The transaxillary approach places breast implants through incisions in the armpit. This placement may be preferred in some patients based on their anatomy and preferences. While it works best with saline implants Kirkland, it is possible to place silicone implants Kirkland through an armpit incision. Transaxillary breast augmentation has become more popular because the incisions usually heal well and keloids are rare in the armpit.
This incision placement may not be optimal if you also require a breast lift or breast surgery. However, it usually does not damage the nipples, sensation, or milk ducts. Transaxillary breast augmentation does offer Dr. Jonov less control than other incisions. This means that choosing this incision requires careful consideration and an ideal candidate.
4. Transumbilical:
A transumbilical breast augmentation Kirkland is possible, although not as commonly performed. This method utilizes a small incision in or near the belly button. Many patients are interested in this incision because it keeps scars away from the breasts and is usually smaller than traditional breast augmentation incisions.
The transumbilical incision does come with some limitations. Due to the size and location of the incision, only unfilled saline breast implants Kirkland can be placed through them. Other breast surgeries also cannot be performed through this incision. Transumbilical breast augmentation sometimes has a lower rate of infection and post-operative pain.