BOTOX is known as the injection that can relax and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Some patients also use BOTOX to treat medical conditions such as chronic migraines and hyperhidrosis. A brand new use of BOTOX, however, has become popular for lip enhancement. The procedure is known as a BOTOX lip flip. But, what is a BOTOX lip flip? Injectors sometimes used BOTOX in the mouth and lip area to correct a gummy smile or treat unwanted features. The BOTOX lip flip uses BOTOX injections to alter the appearance of a thin upper lip to make it appear fuller without the use of dermal fillers. How does it achieve this? BOTOX is a neuromodulator that blocks signals to the treated muscle. When injected for a lip flip, BOTOX relaxes the upper lip and causes it to reveal more of the lip. Like with fillers, this alteration is temporary, but future BOTOX injections can maintain the fullness of the upper lip. One of the most common complaints patients have about their lips is a thin upper lip. The BOTOX lip flip procedure specifically targets this concern to give patients the results they want. Depending on your goals, lip fillers can be used too. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov or an injector at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. Additionally, you can contact us online via Price Simulator™, chat, or text.