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Brazilian Butt Lift

Non-Invasive BBL: The Best Bellevue BBL

By August 24, 2020 No Comments
A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure that transfers fat from one area of the body and into the buttocks. Dr. Jonov performs liposuction on one or multiple areas to sculpt new contours and enhance the size and shape of the booty. Most cosmetic surgery patients desire the least invasive surgery possible. At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Jonov performs non-invasive BBL surgeries and provides non-surgical options.  For surgical options, Dr. Jonov uses a minimal incision for the liposuction cannula and injects the fat with precision. In most cases, a BBL is a fairly non-invasive surgery overall. Liposuction encompasses the most invasive aspect of the surgery in most cases. Non-surgical BBLs have become more popular and usually do not require general anesthesia like a surgical Brazilian butt lift. Non-surgical Brazilian butt lift procedures typically use Sculptra, natural growth factors, or a combination for non-surgical butt augmentation. These are some of the least invasive BBL methods. Dr. Craig Jonov of The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery performs many Brazilian butt lift procedures every month and is among one of the best Bellevue cosmetic surgeons. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online at
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.