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Is 35 Too Old For A Nose Job?

By November 7, 2022 No Comments
Nose jobs, or rhinoplasty surgery, are a form of facial plastic surgery often associated with younger patients. In the media, it is not hard to find portrayals of teenage girls and young women undergoing nose jobs. While young people still make up many rhinoplasty patients, many believe you can only get a rhinoplasty surgery at a young age. Let’s delve deeper into this misconception by answering the question, “Is 35 too old for a nose job?” You cannot be too old for a nose job. After it matures in your mid to late teen years, the nose can be operated on at any point following that. The nose—structurally—experiences fewer changes with aging. Thus, this means that patients of nearly any age can undergo rhinoplasty as long as they are healthy and good candidates. 35 is a perfectly fine age for a nose job. Many people choose to have a rhinoplasty later on because perhaps it better fits their budget or their nose did not bother them in their younger years. Additionally, accidents happen and reconstructive nose surgery can become desired at any age due to this. To learn more and find out if you are a good candidate for a nose job, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov. You can contact us by calling 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.