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Debunked: BOTOX For Hyperhidrosis Causes You To Sweat Elsewhere

By April 20, 2020 No Comments
BOTOX is best known as a cosmetic injectable that relaxes the muscles and can smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, BOTOX has many medical uses, including treating a sweating disorder known as hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating, usually in one part of the body, like the armpits, hands, or feet. However, in rarer cases, it can afflict the entire body. BOTOX for hyperhidrosis has become a popular treatment for excessive sweating.When injected, BOTOX works to limit the activity of sweat glands by reducing the signals they receive. This causes a reduction in sweating and can improve the quality of life for many people who have hyperhidrosis. Some worry that treating the area with BOTOX will cause another area of the body to excessively sweat. Luckily, this is a myth.BOTOX for hyperhidrosis will temporarily stop sweating in the treated area. Although, to maintain these results, patients will need to refresh their injections occasionally. Other parts of the body (and even usually the treated area) can sweat normally. But, treating underarm sweating with BOTOX should not cause the bottoms of the feet to begin sweating excessively.At a consultation, Dr. Jonov can evaluate whether BOTOX could effectively treat your hyperhidrosis. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery to treat hyperhidrosis, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.