Chemical peels treat a variety of skin concerns. From aging to hyperpigmentation, the right chemical peel can improve both the look, health, and quality of your skin. Therefore, a frequent question our master estheticians hear has to do with the best skin peel for a patient’s specific concerns. Let’s look at one variety of this question, “What are the best chemical peels for acne scars?” Often acne scars, especially if years old, require a medium strength peel to see noticeable improvement. A salicylic acid peel is a great option that is commonly used and overall safe for the skin. It can help reduce the appearance of ice pick acne scars. Hypertrophic acne scars are harder to treat with chemical peels. A VI Peel is another amazing option for treating acne prone skin and acne scars. It is a medium strength peel that uses a mixture of acids to help reduce breakouts and the appearance of acne scars. This is often recommended as the gold standard when it comes to chemical peels for acne scars. Your master esthetician may also recommend adding microneedling or another treatment to improve results. To learn more and schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

The VI Peel is a high-end chemical peel designed to deliver medium depth results with only mild to moderate peeling. Peeling after a chemical peel largely depends on your skin type, if you’ve had peels before, and various other factors. Despite this, it is natural for patients to wonder, “How long do you peel with a VI Peel?” On average, patients will begin peeling around Day Three following their VI Peel in Bellevue. They then usually peel through Day Five. This means that if you have a VI peel Wednesday, you can expect to peel through the weekend. While peeling will vary between patients, the VI Peel is known for minimal peeling post-procedure and providing full results in a week. The VI Peel also comes with a curated kit of aftercare. This aftercare was specifically formulated to work with the VI Peel. It soothes the skin, promotes minimal skin peeling, and protects the skin as it heals after the peel. This makes the VI Peel unique and sets it apart from other chemical peels. After a consultation with a master esthetician at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, they can provide a more personalized timeline for your VI Peel aftercare. In general, the VI Peel does not cause patients to peel for more than a few days. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via Price Simulator™, chat, and our contact forms.
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