Microblading is a semi-permanent brow enhancement technique that uses cosmetic tattooing to provide a natural looking shape and density to the eyebrows. Since this procedure requires a form of tattooing, it is not necessarily a good fit for every patient. So, who is not a good candidate for microblading?While most people interested in microblading are likely good candidates, people with certain medical conditions that cause excessive bleeding or majorly compromise their immune system are likely not good candidates for microblading. These patients may have a higher risk of infection and adverse effects.Additionally, even if a patient is not a higher risk of complications, if they have unrealistic expectations, they may not be a good candidate. While microblading can provide amazing results, it is limited based on the patient’s anatomy and medical history. Thus, if a patient has unrealistic expectations, then a microblading artist may deem that they not a good candidate.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Microblading is a growing brow enhancement procedure that grows in popularity every year. Since it provides semi-permanent results, many patients understand that it is going to be a more involved procedure than other brow enhancements such as brow lamination. So, let’s look at one of the most commonly asked questions, “Is microblading painful?”Microblading is technically a form of tattooing. While it does not use exactly the same technology or go as deeply into the skin, it can hurt. Face tattoos are often considered among the most painful. However, our microblading artists use numbing cream to limit the pain felt during the procedure. Overall, patients feel little pain and only slight discomfort during their microblading treatment.In general, microblading is less painful than a tattoo, even without numbing cream. Though, at the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, we tend to recommend that all patients get numbing cream because it can be uncomfortable otherwise. It is a two-hour procedure on average, so numbing cream takes the edge off.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
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