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A Photo For A Blog Post About, "What Is The Most Common Breast Implant Size?"

What Is The Most Common Breast Implant Size?

By | Breast Augmentation New, Breast Augmentation
Breast implant size is an essential topic among breast implant patients. Many patients worry that their implants will look fake if they are significantly sized. Other women worry they may choose implants that are too small and won’t notice a difference. The best implant size depends on the patient’s build, preference, and overall goals. However, there are implant sizes more commonly used than the rest.  Typically, women choose implant sizes within the 350-500cc range. This gives them a c -cup, depending on their frame and the type of implant used. However, it takes about 200cc for a woman to increase her cup size, so depending on the patient’s starting point, the implant size can vary. Patients need to have an in-depth consultation with their provider to understand implant sizes and determine which would work with their shape and body structure. Implant sizes are different for every patient and are not sized according to cup sizes. Dr. Jonov can help you find the best ones to fit your goals, needs, and physique. To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via our Price Simulator.
Chemical Peel

What Happens If Your Skin Doesn’t Peel After A Chemical Peel?

By | Chemical Peel New, Chemical Peel

Chemical peels can be nerve-wracking for many people, especially if the treatment does not behave as expected. But, if your chemical peel doesn’t begin peeling, it is not a cause for worry. Healing after a chemical peel can vary from person to person, which does not mean the treatment won’t be effective. Certain factors can also affect the healing process of a chemical peel. 

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

Using products like Vitamin C serums, retinol, or your at-home chemical peel treatments can cause the peel not to peel as much as expected. Regular facials or exfoliating products can also reduce the peeling aspect of a chemical peel. Depending on the type of formula and acid used, some patients’ skin may not react as dramatically to the peel as others.  

Regardless of why your skin doesn’t peel, it doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working. The outer layers of the skin may not react, but the deeper tissue is still affected and will produce the desired results. Always allow the treatment adequate time to work before expecting the results, as chemical peels take seven days to two weeks to see results. 

 To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via our Price Simulator.    

A Photo For A Blogpost About "What Is The Difference Between A Thigh Lift vs. Thighplasty?"

What Is The Difference Between A Thigh Lift vs. Thighplasty?

By | Thigh Lift New, Thigh Lift
Thigh lifts or thighplasty can be a confusing topic for many people seeking to understand more about the procedure. The terms are often used interchangeably, and there is no clear answer to the differences. However, both a thigh lift and thighplasty are essentially the same thing. The terms are used in the same way a nose job or rhinoplasty are exchanged for each other. However, this doesn’t mean there is only one type of thigh lift. There are three commonly used types of thighplasty procedures which can greatly benefit patients. There is a medial (inner) thigh lift, mini thigh lift, and lateral (outer) thigh lift. These procedures are performed based on the patient’s needs, goals, and physical makeup. Dr. Jonov can provide insight and information on which procedure would fit your unique needs during a consultation. A thigh lift or thighplasty removes thigh fat and excess skin, bringing a natural contour to the thighs. It can help smooth the skin, thin the thighs, and eliminate excess skin causing frustration. Thigh lifts greatly benefit patients and bring confidence and comfort back to their lives. To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via our Price Simulator
A Photo For A Blog Post About Why Does Masseter Botox Take So Long To Work

How long does Masseter Botox take to work?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
Masseter Botox is a popular procedure used to slim the face and sometimes treat TMJ. In people who grind their teeth or frequently chew gum or otherwise use the muscle, it can become overgrown and cause a bulky appearance of the lower face. Botox helps slowly weaken the muscle without hindering the necessary uses and movements. Considering Botox normally kicks in within a week, many people ask, “Why does masseter Botox take so long to work?”It may take multiple sessions of undergoing Botox to achieve the desired results. This is because the masseter is a large muscle and it cannot be fully treated. Fully treating the muscle would make it difficult to talk, chew, and use the jaw. Obviously, this is not acceptable. Therefore, the masseter must be strategically dosed. This can make the results seem to take longer.

Variations in results of masseter Botox treatments

For TMJ, patients may see some more mild improvement before the cosmetic benefits kick in. However, every patient is different and will metabolize the Botox at different rates. Therefore, how long it takes the results to come in can vary from person to person.

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A Photo For A Blog Post About What Do Breast Surgery Scars Look Like

What Do Breast Surgery Scars Look Like?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast, Breast Reduction
The appearance of breast surgery scars will vary based on the specific procedure and the patient’s healing process. For most breast surgeries, the scars can be hidden underneath a bra or swimsuit. However, scars on the breasts themselves are not always avoidable. Let’s look at the question, “What do breast surgery scars look like?”Breast augmentation scars are among the most discreet. There are a few options, but the two most common are an incision underneath the inframammary fold or the underarm. The incision is generally only a few centimeters long. It tends to heal well and become discreet for most patients.Breast lift and breast reduction scars are more extensive. The traditional technique involves an incision around the areola, vertically down the breast, and through the fold. While bras should completely cover these scars, there usually is some degree of visible scarring.Some patients will see less scarring than others based on their medical history and healing process. Patients prone to raised or dark scarring will likely see scars stick around longer, even if they heal better than usual. Patients who smoke will heal slower and tend to experience more and worsened scarring.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Effective Is Chin Liposuction

How Effective Is Chin Liposuction?

By | Face
Submental fat is a common complaint among patients of all ages. While some may lose it with age or weight loss, others may retain it no matter what weight or age they are. There are cosmetic procedure options for removing extra chin fat. Chin liposuction is one commonly recommended. How effective is chin liposuction?Compared with other treatment options, liposuction is the most effective. It requires only one surgical session and is permanent in most cases. Dr. Jonov can perform chin liposuction under local anesthesia because it is a short procedure. It also is quick and easy enough that a patient can have it performed at the same time as almost any other procedure.If a patient has a very small amount of submental fat, liposuction may not be best. While the fat underneath the chin is not large to begin with, if the targeted fat is minimal, non-surgical options may be a safer and overall better solution.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo for a Blog Post About Will A BBL Fix Hip Dips

Will A BBL Fix Hip Dips?

By | Body, Fat Transfer, Brazilian Butt Lift
Hip dips are small dips towards the bottom portion of the hips that can interrupt the perfect hip contour. They are a perfectly normal feature of the body, but many patients prefer a smoother hip contour. So, will a BBL fix hip dips?Yes, even though the focus of a BBL—or Brazilian butt lift—is buttock augmentation fat is often transferred into the hips as well to create the perfect body contour. This can help correct hip dips. It also does not take much fat to address the hips dips and it can improve the results of a BBL.Dr. Jonov can also perform only hip dip correction without other areas of fat transfer. However, most of the time, it is advantageous for the patient to undergo another fat transfer procedure at the same time. Dr. Jonov can discuss options for BBL surgery or hip dip fat transfer during a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
How Long Do Marionette Fillers Last

How Long Do Marionette Fillers Last?

By | Injectable Fillers, Injectables
The marionette lines are vertical lines that run between the corners of the mouth and the lower face. They typically occur due to age-related volume loss and skin sagging. Therefore, injectables such as Botox will not prevent these wrinkles from forming. Dermal fillers can help disguise the marionette lines for a younger appearance. But, how long do marionette fillers last?The exact length of time patients can enjoy their marionette filler results will depend on biological factors as well as the filler used. First, a patient’s metabolism helps determine how quickly the body breaks down the filler. Thus, people with faster metabolisms may not see filler last as long in their bodies.The type of filler used also matters. Most of the fillers used for marionette lines are hyaluronic acid based. Thus, they last anywhere from about six to twelve months on average. For more severe lines, patients may undergo Sculptra injections for the marionette lines which will result in longer lasting results. Sculptra also stimulates a collagen response which can help provide some permanent results. On average, Sculptra lasts around two years. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact us form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Can A Mammogram Break An Implant

Can A Mammogram Break An Implant?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
A mammogram is a diagnostic test performed on women to screen for breast cancer. For most women, regular mammograms start around the age of 40. Though, women may have them at any time based on recommendations from their healthcare providers. Patients often worry about their implants when it comes time for a mammogram. Can a mammogram break an implant?In short, it is exceptionally unlikely and unheard of that a mammogram breaks or causes damage to a breast implant. A mammogram does not involve enough force to break an implant. With that said, if an implant is placed above the breast muscle, this can make accurate results more difficult. Therefore, adjustments will need to be made. However, if placed under the pectoral muscle, the implants will be minimally affected.Extremely old implants or implants inserted incorrectly may not hold up like modern implants. Therefore, if your implants were placed prior to the introduction of modern silicone breast implants, it is best to consider implant replacement because these may be more susceptible to smaller forces like a mammogram. However, even these implants likely will not be affected during a mammogram. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Are Pros & Cons Of Dermaplaning

What Are Pros & Cons Of Dermaplaning?

By | Skin
Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin treatment that involves using a surgical blade to lightly and carefully remove dead skin and peach fuzz. When performed by a professional, the procedure does not hurt and can provide the signature “dermaplane glow.” So, what are the pros and cons of dermaplaning?There are many pros of dermaplaning. It helps remove dead skin and unwanted hair as well as helps make subsequent skincare products and treatments more effective. It is the perfect pre-event procedure. The procedure itself is essentially painless and takes under an hour to perform. There are also few risks associated with dermaplaning.The cons of dermaplaning mainly consist of the fact that it provides temporary results. The hair will grow back, the dead skin will accumulate again, and the glow tends to last a week or two. Occasionally, dermaplaning can irritate the skin. While major irritation is rare, the procedure should not be performed on inflamed skin or a major breakout.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.