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How Long Does It Take For Botox To Stop Migraines?

By | Botox New, BOTOX®
Botox has many incredible uses aside from anti-aging. It can help prevent excessive sweating, promote TMJ healing, muscle spasms, and more. One of the top medicinal uses of Botox is its effectiveness in treating migraines. However, many patients worry that Botox won’t work for their migraines and wonder how long it takes to stop them. Botox is one of the most effective treatments for migraines because it reduces muscle spasms and chemical reactions in the nervous system. While it does not eliminate migraines, it successfully lowers their frequency. However, it usually takes two injection sessions before a patient begins to see the results. The treatments are spaced twelve weeks apart, so if you are not seeing results after the first round of injections, don’t worry. This doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working. It just needs time to build up in the system. Patients will need maintenance treatments every twelve weeks to continue to experience the benefits of Botox injections.The providers at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery understand the best ways and methods to administer Botox for migraines. They help patients through every step of the process and work to provide the best results. To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via our Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Why Does Masseter Botox Take So Long To Work

How long does Masseter Botox take to work?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
Masseter Botox is a popular procedure used to slim the face and sometimes treat TMJ. In people who grind their teeth or frequently chew gum or otherwise use the muscle, it can become overgrown and cause a bulky appearance of the lower face. Botox helps slowly weaken the muscle without hindering the necessary uses and movements. Considering Botox normally kicks in within a week, many people ask, “Why does masseter Botox take so long to work?”It may take multiple sessions of undergoing Botox to achieve the desired results. This is because the masseter is a large muscle and it cannot be fully treated. Fully treating the muscle would make it difficult to talk, chew, and use the jaw. Obviously, this is not acceptable. Therefore, the masseter must be strategically dosed. This can make the results seem to take longer.

Variations in results of masseter Botox treatments

For TMJ, patients may see some more mild improvement before the cosmetic benefits kick in. However, every patient is different and will metabolize the Botox at different rates. Therefore, how long it takes the results to come in can vary from person to person.

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botox for face slimming

How Many Units Of Botox For Face Slimming?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
Botox injections—while typically used to help treat and reduce wrinkles—can also help slim the face when injected into the masseter muscle on either side of the face. It is particularly effective for people who have overactive jaw muscles or a prominent masseter muscle that makes the face look wide. When patients come in interested in the procedure, they often ask, “How many units of Botox for face slimming?”

botox for face slimming

How Much Masseter Botox Do I Need?

On average, 15 to 20 units is the average masseter Botox units that can effectively slim the face. However, people with especially big or strong masseters may require more, potentially up to 30 units per side. Additionally, Botox can help reduce teeth grinding and symptoms of TMJ. In this case, more Botox is necessary since areas outside of the masseter, or other areas of the muscle are also treated.

How Often Will I Need Masseter Botox Injections?

On average, Botox injections need to be refreshed every three months. However, based on your specific concerns and how quickly the body breaks down Botox’s effects, it may require sooner injections. Most people can expect to undergo masseter Botox injections three to four times a year.

How To Inject Botox Video Tutorial


Ultimately, your injector can help determine the number of Botox units necessary for face slimming. If it is your first time getting masseter Botox, your injector may want to evaluate your results after two or so weeks. If the results are not quite there yet, they can administer more units of Botox.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Age Should You Start Botox

What Age Should You Start Botox?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
Botox injections are usually associated with people entering or firmly within middle age. However, the concept of “baby Botox” has grown in popularity over the last few years. This is the idea that undergoing small doses of Botox in your twenties can help prevent aging and prolong the need for full doses. So, what age should you start Botox?The answer to this question will likely be different for everyone. Some people simply begin showing their age sooner than others and may benefit from starting Botox injections sooner. Also, there are uses of Botox that are not purely cosmetic or meant to treat aging such as treating migraines, TMJ, and the Botox lip flip. All of these uses can benefit adults of any age.Botox is approved for adults 18 and above. Thus, nearly any adult can get Botox if they are a good candidate. If you are not showing many signs of aging, you may not need Botox injections yet. Many patients, even those who start anti-aging Botox at a younger age, rarely begin regular injections before the age of 25.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog About Does Masseter Botox Work

Does Masseter Botox Work?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
When considering Botox treatment, most people likely picture forehead or glabella injections. However, Botox has several uses around the face. One of the growing Botox treatments is masseter Botox which involves injecting Botox into the masseter muscle to promote slimming of the face. Let’s look at the question, “Does masseter Botox work?” The masseter muscle is one of the largest on the face and helps jaw movement. People can accidentally build up their muscle through frequent gum chewing, teeth grinding, and other conditions. Some people may naturally have a large masseter muscle.  Botox deactivates specific movements and helps weaken the masseter muscle. Over time, this can make the masseter muscle look smaller and in turn slim the face. This works in several different ways and can work on almost anyone to help define the jaw. It is a great complement to Kybella or submental liposuction. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Does BOTOX In The Masseter Do

What Does BOTOX In The Masseter Do?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
Plastic surgeons and cosmetic injectors continue to find innovative ways to use BOTOX for cosmetic purposes. One of the hottest new BOTOX procedures is masseter BOTOX. Unlike other BOTOX injections, masseter BOTOX does not explicitly address wrinkles or aging. So, what does BOTOX in the masseter do?First, let’s look at what the masseter is and where it is located. The masseter is a facial muscle located towards the back of your cheek and jaw. It is responsible for lifting the jaw upward when extended. This muscle can become overgrown, genetically larger, or carry extra fat.Injecting BOTOX into the masseter muscle results in a slimmer looking face. It does not impact the function of the muscle, but does cause it to retract slightly and weakens it over time so that it does not project as much. While temporary, this non-surgical facial slimming procedure is among the most effective and sought after.To learn more and schedule a consultation with an injector, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Does Dysport Last Longer Than BOTOX

Does Dysport Last Longer Than BOTOX?

By | BOTOX®, Dysport, Injectables
Patients often want to know the difference between Dysport and BOTOX. It can be confusing considering they are used to provide the same effects. In short, Dysport and BOTOX are both neurotoxins that use Botulinum toxin A to temporarily paralyze and weaken muscles. The main differences between the two are in minute formula differences and how patients respond to each. One of the most frequently asked questions is, “Does Dysport last longer than BOTOX?”The answer is not straightforward. Some patients may see longer lasting results with Dysport while others may experience longer lasting results with BOTOX. Many believe and preliminary studies have shown that the effects of Dysport may appear sooner, but BOTOX may last longer. However, this will not hold true for every individual patient. Additionally, it is possible to build a tolerance to one or the other if you undergo regular injections. Therefore, the product that gives you the longest result may actually change in the future. It is best to discuss this with your injector during your consultation and treatment to determine whether Dysport or BOTOX is best for you.To schedule a free consultation with an injector, call us at 425-775-3561. You may also reach out online using Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.
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Dysport Bellevue: Does Dysport or BOTOX Last Longer?

By | BOTOX®, Dysport, Injectables
Dysport and BOTOX are both neuromodulator injections that temporarily paralyze facial muscle movements. They can treat and prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. When considering neuromodulator treatment, patients usually want the results to last as long as possible. Therefore, the question, “Does Dysport or BOTOX last longer?” comes up frequently in consultations.  The answer to this question Dysport and BOTOX both tend to last around three to six months. Certain patients may find that one or the other lasts longer for them. The site of injections can also determine how long they will last. Additionally, when treating conditions such as chronic migraines or hyperhidrosis, you may need to refresh your results more often. The main difference between BOTOX and Dysport are slight variations in formulas. Both injectables use Botulinum toxin A and a mixture of proteins. These small differences can play a part in why Dysport may last longer for one patient versus another. It is not uncommon for patients to try out both and determine which they prefer. Your injector can discuss the differences with you and work to determine whether BOTOX or Dysport injections are best for achieving your goals. To learn more about neuromodulators and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via chat, contact form, or our Price Simulator™
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is A BOTOX Lip Flip

BOTOX Bellevue: What Is A BOTOX Lip Flip?

By | BOTOX®, Injectables
BOTOX is known as the injection that can relax and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Some patients also use BOTOX to treat medical conditions such as chronic migraines and hyperhidrosis. A brand new use of BOTOX, however, has become popular for lip enhancement. The procedure is known as a BOTOX lip flip. But, what is a BOTOX lip flip? Injectors sometimes used BOTOX in the mouth and lip area to correct a gummy smile or treat unwanted features. The BOTOX lip flip uses BOTOX injections to alter the appearance of a thin upper lip to make it appear fuller without the use of dermal fillers. How does it achieve this?  BOTOX is a neuromodulator that blocks signals to the treated muscle. When injected for a lip flip, BOTOX relaxes the upper lip and causes it to reveal more of the lip. Like with fillers, this alteration is temporary, but future BOTOX injections can maintain the fullness of the upper lip.  One of the most common complaints patients have about their lips is a thin upper lip. The BOTOX lip flip procedure specifically targets this concern to give patients the results they want. Depending on your goals, lip fillers can be used too.  To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov or an injector at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. Additionally, you can contact us online via Price Simulator™, chat, or text.
Photo For A Blog Post About BOTOX vs. Dysport

BOTOX vs. Dysport? Which Is Better?

By | Face, BOTOX®, Dysport, Injectables
The classic debate among frequent neurotoxin users and providers is: Which is better: BOTOX or Dysport? The answer is not entirely clear. When it comes to BOTOX vs. Dysport the answer can differ between patients and injector.  Some patients will see the best results with BOTOX while others will see better results with Dysport. Both derive from a neurotoxin known as Botulinum toxin A. The main differences come in slight variations of formula and the amount of proteins present in each. Dosages also vary. These small differences can affect how the body metabolizes each toxin which leads to one lasting longer than the other. Some patients and providers find that Dysport kicks in faster and lasts longer than BOTOX. This is great for patients who want a quick result. Although, not every patient will experience this. Usually, the best way to find out whether BOTOX or Dysport works better for you is to try both.  The injectors at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery are experienced in both BOTOX and Dysport. They can expertly inject either toxin and guide you through choosing the option that will give you the best results. In general, both BOTOX and Dysport can provide wonderful results and hide the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.