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Otoplasty Recovery: A Timeline

By | Face, Ear Surgery
Otoplasty, or ear pinning, refers to any surgery that addresses the shape, size, or position of the ears. It most commonly pins ears that stick out. Most patients experience a fairly easy recovery and find that they can return to the majority of their daily activities within a week or so. Bellevue plastic surgeon, Dr. Craig Jonov, details the timeline of an otoplasty recovery. Immediately following surgery, you may feel groggy and nauseous from the anesthesia. You will go home the same day to rest and begin recovery. Dr. Jonov will likely provide a headband to wear, as this will help reduce swelling. The day of surgery you should rest.  In the days following surgery, many patients find that that can get up and around. Dr. Jonov will prescribe pain medications and antibiotics to keep you comfortable. It is important to avoid touching or scratching the ears or incisions. You may experience side effects such as swelling, pain while chewing (a soft diet may be required), and redness. These side effects should subside within a week or so.  A week after surgery, patients often return to work. Most, if not all swelling, has resolved. At this point, persistent side effects can be covered with makeup. The ears should begin to settle into their new position, although it will take a few months to see the final results. Overall, most patients find an otoplasty recovery comfortable.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is Otoplasty In Bellevue

Ear Surgery Questions: What Is Otoplasty?

By | Face, Ear Surgery
When most people think of plastic surgery, the ears may not spring to mind as a body part that people seek to change. However, cosmetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a procedure that can change the position, size, and shape of the ears. Most often an otoplasty corrects ears that stick out, this is known as “ear pinning” surgery.  Otoplasty can correct birth defects, injuries that altered the shape of the ear, or if someone is simply unhappy with the appearance of the ears. It is a simple procedure that normally does not take longer than a couple hours. Additionally, even if the birth defect or issue only afflicts one ear, both ears are usually operated on to maximize symmetry and lead to the best result. Occasionally, only one ear is treated, but this is rare.  Patients can undergo the procedure as soon as the ears fully form, so normally anytime after age five. Adults and children undergo the procedure frequently in the United States. It is generally a well tolerated surgery and most patients recover quickly with little scarring. While incision placement will vary based on the goals of the procedure, most otoplasty incisions are hidden behind or in the natural creases of the ear. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online
Photo For A Blog Post About Chin Augmentation Options In Bellevue, Kirkland, and Seattle

Chin Implant vs. Chin Fillers: Which Is Right For Me?

By | Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentation comes in two main forms: a chin implant or chin filler. Depending on your individual anatomy, preferences, and goals, one may benefit you more than the other. In a consultation, Dr. Craig Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery can evaluate you and your goals to aid you in determining the best Bellevue chin augmentation option for you. During chin implant surgery, Dr. Jonov will place an implant into the chin to create a more prominent and well shaped chin. The implants are typically made of silicone and are sized to compliment your natural facial features. This option is often preferred by patients who have a recessed chin or who need a modification that filler cannot provide. For some patients who continually seek filler, this may offer them a longer lasting solution.  Chin filler has many uses. It can filler in wrinkles, unwanted dimples, or provide subtle augmentation to even out the facial profile. When used for chin augmentation, filler is injected to increase the projection of the chin. This can lead to a more symmetrical appearance and a facial transformation that is not immediately noticeable.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at  The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online at
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Nose Job Questions: Will A Rhinoplasty Fix A Deviated Septum?

By | Rhinoplasty
A nose job, or rhinoplasty plastic surgery, can correct many cosmetic concerns with the nose. For example, if a patient does not like the appearance of their dorsal bump, the wideness of their nose, or the overall shape of the nose, a surgical rhinoplasty can address these issues. A non-surgical rhinoplasty is also an option for certain concerns. However, will a rhinoplasty fix a deviated septum? A nose job can also correct many medical and structural problems with the nose. While a full scale rhinoplasty is not always necessary to correct structural issues, these can be corrected during a routine nose job.  One of the most common structural deformities of the nose is a deviated septum. A deviated septum is when the wall separating your nasal passages is more to one side than the other. In some cases, this causes no symptoms or issues. For others though, this can cause major breathing issues and contribute to conditions like allergies and sleep apnea. So, will a rhinoplasty fix a deviated septum.  The answer is usually, yes! A septoplasty is the surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum. Dr. Jonov can perform a septoplasty as part of a rhinoplasty procedure. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or chat with us online.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Chin Augmentation And Face Profile

Chin Augmentation: How It Can Transform Facial Profile

By | Chin Augmentation, Injectable Fillers
Chin augmentation–whether surgical or non-surgical–can dramatically change facial profile and appearance. As the main feature for the bottom of the face, the chin can affect the look of the jawline and neck. A recessed chin can cause the jaw to look undefined or the neck to look short. Using filler or an implant, Dr. Jonov can address these, and other concerns you may have. When it comes to facial aesthetics, the bottom of the chin should roughly line up with the tip of the nose. Sometimes, the chin does not fully extend to meet this, and this is known as a recessed chin. Most of the time, this is only slight and does not bother many people. However, for those that choose, a chin augmentation procedure can subtly or dramatically augment this area to create the desired facial profile. Dr. Jonov of The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery uses two methods for chin augmentation. The first involves a chin implant that he places during a chin augmentation surgery. This provides longer lasting results and works best for those wanting a more dramatic result. It can also alter the shape of the chin. Non-surgical chin augmentation uses dermal fillers to augment the chin. Results are usually more subtle and last between six months and two years depending on the chosen filler. It can address minor chin recession, dimples, and other minor alterations.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Photo For A Blog Post About BOTOX vs. Dysport

BOTOX vs. Dysport? Which Is Better?

By | Face, BOTOX®, Dysport, Injectables
The classic debate among frequent neurotoxin users and providers is: Which is better: BOTOX or Dysport? The answer is not entirely clear. When it comes to BOTOX vs. Dysport the answer can differ between patients and injector.  Some patients will see the best results with BOTOX while others will see better results with Dysport. Both derive from a neurotoxin known as Botulinum toxin A. The main differences come in slight variations of formula and the amount of proteins present in each. Dosages also vary. These small differences can affect how the body metabolizes each toxin which leads to one lasting longer than the other. Some patients and providers find that Dysport kicks in faster and lasts longer than BOTOX. This is great for patients who want a quick result. Although, not every patient will experience this. Usually, the best way to find out whether BOTOX or Dysport works better for you is to try both.  The injectors at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery are experienced in both BOTOX and Dysport. They can expertly inject either toxin and guide you through choosing the option that will give you the best results. In general, both BOTOX and Dysport can provide wonderful results and hide the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.  
Photo For Blog Post About Buccal Fat Removal Recovery

Recovering From Buccal Fat Removal Surgery

By | Buccal Fat Removal, Face
Buccal fat removal surgery, also known as a cheek reduction, slims the face by removing fat from the cheeks. This plastic surgery procedure involves incisions inside the mouth and typically involves a short recovery period. What can you expect from a buccal fat removal recovery in Bellevue?Immediately following surgery, you may experience swelling and discomfort. Dr. Jonov will prescribe pain medications and antibiotics to manage pain and discourage infection. Since the incisions are located inside the mouth, you will need to adhere to a liquid and soft diet for at least a few days. This for your own comfort and to keep the incisions clear from debris.Swelling, especially in the face, can take weeks or months to totally subside. Since cheek reduction patients range in age and demographic, every patient will experience their buccal fat removal recovery differently. In general, swelling can be hidden with makeup after the first one or two weeks. You can prevent excessive swelling by avoiding painkillers like Ibuprofen and following Dr. Jonov’s instructions closely.Like before your surgery, you may need to continue avoiding certain medications. Additionally, strenuous activities will need to be limited or avoided for at least two weeks. Dr. Jonov will give clearance for returning to work and other activities.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Photo For Blog Post Abput Chemical Peel Questions Answered

Will A Chemical Peel Hurt? & Other Skin Peel Questions Answered

By | Face, Chemical Peel, Skin
When seeking out any new esthetic or cosmetic procedure, it is natural to have questions. Chemical peels are no exception. With over a million peels performed per year, their popularity continues to grow. Patients new to peels often have questions, below we have answered some of the most common ones. 

Do chemical peels hurt?

Maybe. Chemical peels rarely require anesthesia (except in rare cases when performing phenol peels). Light and medium peels often make the skin feel tight during and for a short time following your peel. Your master esthetician will monitor your condition throughout the peel process. Sometimes a topical anesthetic can be applied.

Are chemical peels safe?

While the term “chemical” may raise alarms for some, the chemicals used are all skin-safe acids. Many of these acids are naturally derived or already found in the body. Glycolic acid comes from sugar and salicylic acid from willow trees. However, chemical peels should only be performed by a professional like our master estheticians in a sterile environment. At-home chemical peels can burn and permanently damage the skin.

Which skin peel do I need?

The facial peel best for you depends greatly on your skin type and conditions. For first time peel patients, our master estheticians usually recommend a light or medium peel to start. This allows them to gauge how your skin will react and build it up gradually. During a complimentary consultation, your master esthetician can determine if you are a candidate for a Bellevue chemical peel and which one will benefit you most.To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

The Advantages Of Lip Augmentation Surgery

By | Face, Injectable Fillers, Injectables

One of the most common ways the lips are augmented is with dermal fillers. Fillers are a great, but temporary option. For those who need a more permanent lip augmentation option, Dr. Jonov can perform lip augmentation surgery. 

Lip augmentation surgery usually involves a flexible silicone implant or fat transferred from another area of the body. The surgery–depending on your chosen method–typically takes around an hour to perform. Any incisions are hidden inside the mouth or within the natural contours of your lips. 

Following surgery, your lips will look immediately plumper. The advantages of this type of lip augmentation are that results are permanent, but still natural looking and feeling. There is no need to constantly get lip injections or refresh your results every year. Depending on your needs and goals, Dr. Jonov can often perform a bullhorn lip lift at the same time.

Bigger lips can bring symmetry to the face and help those with uneven or thin lips improve their facial contours. To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

Cheek Augmentation in Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

Cheek Augmentation: Filler Or Implants?

By | Injectable Fillers, Cheek Augmentation

Undefined and hollowed cheeks can contribute to an aged appearance or create facial imbalance. There are many options to correct this and restore balance and achieve a defined face. At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, we offer surgical and non-surgical cheek augmentation options. 

The least invasive and one of the most popular options is cheek filler. Cheek filler uses temporary dermal fillers to provide fullness and definition in the cheek area. These results will eventually go away though, meaning you will need to refresh your cheek filler occasionally. For patients not wanting an implant, or those who want to try out the look first, cheek filler will not permanently augment the cheeks. 

Patients wanting permanent results, or who need larger correction, are often candidates for surgical cheek augmentation with an implant. During this procedure, Dr. Jonov would place implants in the cheeks to create a balanced and proportional appearance. The implants would be sized specifically to fit and complement your facial features. 

Comparatively, filler is malleable, but provides temporary results. Implants are permanent and can provide more dramatic results in some cases. To know which option best suits you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery by calling 425-775-3561 or contact us online.