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A Photo For A Blog Post About How Do You Know If Your Breasts Are Too Big

How Do You Know If Your Breasts Are Too Big?

By | Breast Reduction, Breast
Overly large breasts can occur naturally in some women—regardless of body size—due to genetics, having a child, or certain medical conditions. Though, while having larger than average breasts can be perfectly normal and cause no problems, some women may undergo a breast reduction to make their breasts smaller and more proportionate. So, how do you know if your breasts are too big? Most of the time, women who undergo breast reduction surgery suffer from certain symptoms directly caused by breasts that are too large. For example, chronic back and neck pain is common, even when the breasts are supported. Other common symptoms include skin issues underneath the breasts, rashes, and issues finding bras and clothing. These could all be indications for breast reduction. Making the breasts smaller and more proportionate to the patient’s body can alleviate many of these symptoms. However, some patients may undergo a breast reduction purely for cosmetic reasons due to asymmetry or noticeably large breasts that they are not fond of. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Are Saline Implants Natural Looking

Are Saline Implants Natural Looking?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast

Are Saline Implants Natural Looking?

 For over a decade, saline breast implants were the only option for breast augmentation available. However, since the re-introduction of silicone breast implants, patients tend to pick them over saline because they believe that they look and feel more natural. This leads many patients to ask, “Are saline implants natural looking?” Saline implants can look natural. They are just more likely to look unnatural in certain body types or over time. Saline breast implants are often not recommended for women with little breast tissue because this can cause wrinkling or rippling to appear which makes the breast look less natural. In contrast, for a patient with an already substantial amount of breast tissue, saline implants can look perfectly natural. Therefore, in the right patient, saline breast implants are a natural looking option. As far as feel goes, silicone breast implants are firmer, but do tend to be believed to feel more natural. Saline breast implants can feel slightly unnatural in patients without a lot of breast tissue, but for a patient with already a good amount of breast tissue, the feel should also be natural. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About When Can I Go Braless After A Breast Augmentation With Lift

When Can I Go Braless After A Breast Augmentation With Lift?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast
Following cosmetic breast surgery such as breast augmentation with lift, patients must wear a supportive surgical bra for both their own comfort and to promote optimal healing. However, often within a few weeks, patients want to retire their bras because they feel back to their normal selves. So, when can I go braless after a breast augmentation?The exact time when you can begin to go braless following a breast augmentation with lift is usually between two and three months post-op. While patients may be back to their full activity at this point, the breasts need added support until the implants drop and they reach a certain point of healing. With that said, patients can often switch to a sports bra after a few weeks.If everything goes well, patients may be able to begin going braless for short periods of time at six weeks. However, they should not do so regularly and should still wear supportive garments, especially when exercising. Dr. Jonov will provide more insight during your post-operative appointments when he gauges your healing.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Things To Know Before Getting Breast Implants

3 Things To Know Before Getting Breast Implants

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
The decision to get breast implants is one that patients should weigh carefully. While they are the most popular breast augmentation method, they are not right for everyone. Here are 3 things to know before getting breast implants.

#1: They May Show When You Flex

The majority of breast implants are placed under the chest muscle. This does create a more natural look during everyday life. However, if you happen to use or flex the chest muscles, this can distort the look of the breast implants. Therefore, patients who are weightlifters, dancers, yoga instructors, etc. may want to consider another method. In rare cases, Dr. Jonov may place the breast implants above the muscle, but this is not common due to the increased risk of certain complications.

#2: Bigger (Or Smaller) Is Not Always Better

Patients usually come into their consultation with an idea of the breast size they want. However, the implant size that will get them there is not always obvious since this depends on their current breast size, bone structure, and anatomy. Make sure to try on multiple breast implant sizes—even ones you may think may be too big or small—because the right size may surprise you.

#3: You Can Keep Scars Away From The Chest

The traditional breast augmentation incision is in the inframammary fold. While this is hidden, many patients do want the scar away from the breast. The transaxillary and transumbilical methods are options for keeping scars away from the breasts.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For a Blog Post About Can A Mammogram Rupture An Implant

Can A Mammogram Rupture An Implant?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast

Can A Mammogram Rupture An Implant?

 Breast implants remain one of the most popular medical devices placed every year. The number of people undergoing breast augmentation surgery continues to rise. Thus, as more people seek out the surgery, they come to The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery with questions. Obviously, patients seeking breast implants want to avoid rupture. Therefore, a question Dr. Jonov is hearing more is, “Can a mammogram rupture an implant?” No, a mammogram should not rupture a breast implant. You should tell the provider administering your mammogram about your implants so that they can ensure they get a good reading of all of your breast tissue. However, it is extremely unlikely that your mammogram will affect your implants at all.  If you have exceptionally old breast implants (well over ten years old), there may be a slightly higher chance. However, the amount of force and trauma it takes to rupture an intact breast implant is simply not present when undergoing a mammogram. Plastic surgeons advise patients to continue mammograms as normal after getting breast implants. If you have severe concerns, you may be able to undergo a gentler breast ultrasound. Still, patients do not have anything to worry about when getting a mammogram with breast implants. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Will I Have Scars After A Breast Lift

Will I Have Scars After A Breast Lift?

By | Breast Lift, Breast
Surgical scarring—especially after plastic surgery—is one of the biggest concerns for patients who undergo cosmetic procedures. Even when the scars are typically hidden under clothing, they can still bother patients. Breast scarring is a great example of usually hidden scarring that can cause distress. Let’s look at the frequently asked question, “Will I have scars after a breast lift?”A breast lift usually involves fairly extensive incisions in the shape of the anchor—the incision stretches around the nipple, down the breast, and through the inframammary fold. This will inevitably leave scarring. While every patient will heal differently, the incisions around the nipple and areola tend to heal well and generally become quite indistinguishable.The vertical incision down the breast is often the one that causes the most concern. It will take some time to heal and may remain visible for a while. Following post-operative procedures and taking proactive steps to minimize scarring such as with Scar Protocol will help keep the scars discreet.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Will Pregnancy Ruin Your Breast Implants

Will Pregnancy Ruin Your Breast Implants?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
There are some plastic surgeries where pregnancy can impact or even ruin results. In these cases, Dr. Jonov may recommend waiting until you are finished having kids and nursing to undergo certain procedures. Due to this, many patients ask, “Will pregnancy ruin your breast implants?” In most cases, your breast implants are not affected by pregnancy. Your breasts will change in size and shape due to hormonal differences and nursing. However, they should return mostly back to normal. Some minor changes may occur, but overall the size of the breasts will not change. Dr. Jonov usually does not have qualms about placing breast implants when a patient plans to have kids in the future. However, if you are also undergoing a breast lift, this can change following pregnancy. While it is less likely to ruin the results than a tummy tuck, it should be taken into consideration before undergoing a breast lift. In general, though, breast surgery will only see minimal effects following pregnancy and nursing. If you plan on getting pregnant within a year of breast augmentation surgery, you may consider postponing it until after you have given birth and nursed. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Hard Is It To Rupture A Silicone Breast Implant

How Hard Is It To Rupture A Silicone Breast Implant?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
Among one of the top concerns of patients seeking breast augmentation is the risk of breast implant rupture. This is understandable as this is a risk, especially with older implants. Patients often want to understand, “How hard is it to rupture a silicone breast implant?”Many people who have researched breast augmentation know that saline breast implants are more likely to rupture than silicone breast implants. This is because the gel filling of silicone implants is more cohesive and can withstand more than the liquid in a saline implant. By various estimations, silicone breast implants can withstand at least 300 pounds.This is much more than a mammogram applies. Most of the time, in the first few years, the only things that will rupture a silicone breast implant are major trauma to the chest such as a car accident or fall. Silicone implants do have more of a risk of rupturing as they age. Therefore, if you have concerns about a rupture and your implants are more than five years old, it may be worth having them examined.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About When Do You Regain Feeling In Nipples After Breast Augmentation

When Do You Regain Feeling In Nipples After Breast Augmentation?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
Breast augmentation–like all surgeries–comes with some temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, and numbness. In most cases, these resolve within a few weeks and are managed via prescription medications and aftercare. One of the most common concerns is loss of nipple sensation which can occur following breast augmentation surgery. Let’s look further into the frequently asked question, “When do you regain feeling in the nipples after breast augmentation?” First off, it should be noted that not all patients will experience loss of sensation in the nipples after surgery. While they likely will be numb immediately after surgery due to anesthetics, this will gradually wear off over one to two days. If you had a transaxillary or transumbilical breast augmentation, the nipples are less likely to be affected. If you do experience loss of nipple sensation, it can take time to resolve. Many will begin getting some feeling back within two to three months after surgery. However, it can take a year or more to resolve in some patients. Though, it is more common for those who underwent a periareolar incision to experience longer loss of sensation than those of any other incision. Most patients experience a full or nearly full return of sensation within one year. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Is Gynecomastia Surgery Risky

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Risky?

By | Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a condition often caused by genetics or hormones. It involves the overgrowth of breast tissue and can leave many men without treatment options, depending on the root cause. At this point, surgery becomes the only treatment option with viable results. Before surgery, many men ask, “Is gynecomastia surgery risky?” There are risks with every surgery. However, gynecomastia carries few risks when performed on an ideal patient. Ideal patients are relatively healthy, have realistic expectations, and have no untreated, major health conditions. When performed under these conditions, while risks are still present, they are low. The overall risks of gynecomastia surgery include those seen with other procedures such as infection, reactions/side effects of anesthesia, unsatisfactory results, fluid collection, and prolonged bruising or swelling. Specific risks of gynecomastia can include recurrence of the condition and chest abnormalities. All of these risks are exceptionally rare when performed by a top plastic surgeon like Dr. Craig Jonov To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. You can reach online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.