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How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

By | Breast Reduction

Belly fat can be stubborn and requires going the extra mile to shed some kilos. After a successful

breast reduction surgery, many wonder how to lose belly fat to get the perfect shape. Getting into the dream figure is a continuous process and thus could be overwhelming. Let’s discover ways to reduce the belly in the most effective and easy ways in this article. Let’s get started.

Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

Getting a tummy that looks great with the rest of the body isn’t easy; it takes putting in the hard work. By making some lifestyle changes, you can achieve this impossible dream. Let’s see how. 

Daily Exercise Routine 

Exercise is important for overall health, and when you have a target to reduce some belly fat, it becomes even more crucial. With the right amount of exercise on a daily basis, you can definitely see the results in a few months. Because you are not allowed to do any strenuous exercise after the breast reduction surgery, coming back to the exercise regime might seem challenging. Include the following in your workout:

  • Running
  • HIIT 
  • Cross training
  • Strength training  

After the recovery is done and you get a green signal to restart your strenuous daily activities from the surgeon, going to the gym is your next goal. 

Hydration is the Key 

Water solves many problems for the body, and thus staying hydrated is the most important part of losing weight from the belly. It increases the pace of the recovery process and helps with fast healing as well. Even after recovery, continue to drink plenty of water to maximize the benefits of breast reduction and to support your efforts to lose belly fat.  

Balance Diet 

Eating a balanced diet is a broken record, but the most important part is too. This helps you achieve the belly you are dreaming of. Include fruits, veggies, and proteins in your diet to fully get the results of all the efforts you are putting in.  

Reduce Stress Level

We understand that life could be stressful many times, but it directly affects the body in varied ways, and one of them is fat around the belly. Stress triggers the adrenal glands to release cortisol, which can interfere with your good eating habits. Cortisol triggers the urge to have more food, especially sugary and junk food. To get a hold of cortisol, try some meditation practices.  

Surgical Methods

When all is said and done, you can explore surgical methods like tummy tucks and liposuction to reduce the fat in the belly. However, it must be consulted by the surgeon first. 

Final Thought

In the quest to have a perfect body, many undergo different cosmetic procedures and achieve the benefits. Reducing belly fat is important after breast reduction to get a proportionate figure. With the help of daily exercise combined with a healthy lifestyle, you can maintain the benefits of surgery and shed some tummy fat. For some extra willful fat, you can also opt for a tummy tuck as a surgical method. However, every decision must be backed up by the consultation of a certified surgeon.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Do Breast Surgery Scars Look Like

What Do Breast Surgery Scars Look Like?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Breast
The appearance of breast surgery scars will vary based on the specific procedure and the patient’s healing process. For most breast surgeries, the scars can be hidden underneath a bra or swimsuit. However, scars on the breasts themselves are not always avoidable. Let’s look at the question, “What do breast surgery scars look like?”Breast augmentation scars are among the most discreet. There are a few options, but the two most common are an incision underneath the inframammary fold or the underarm. The incision is generally only a few centimeters long. It tends to heal well and become discreet for most patients.Breast lift and breast reduction scars are more extensive. The traditional technique involves an incision around the areola, vertically down the breast, and through the fold. While bras should completely cover these scars, there usually is some degree of visible scarring.Some patients will see less scarring than others based on their medical history and healing process. Patients prone to raised or dark scarring will likely see scars stick around longer, even if they heal better than usual. Patients who smoke will heal slower and tend to experience more and worsened scarring.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Do You Know If Your Breasts Are Too Big

How Do You Know If Your Breasts Are Too Big?

By | Breast Reduction, Breast
Overly large breasts can occur naturally in some women—regardless of body size—due to genetics, having a child, or certain medical conditions. Though, while having larger than average breasts can be perfectly normal and cause no problems, some women may undergo a breast reduction to make their breasts smaller and more proportionate. So, how do you know if your breasts are too big? Most of the time, women who undergo breast reduction surgery suffer from certain symptoms directly caused by breasts that are too large. For example, chronic back and neck pain is common, even when the breasts are supported. Other common symptoms include skin issues underneath the breasts, rashes, and issues finding bras and clothing. These could all be indications for breast reduction. Making the breasts smaller and more proportionate to the patient’s body can alleviate many of these symptoms. However, some patients may undergo a breast reduction purely for cosmetic reasons due to asymmetry or noticeably large breasts that they are not fond of. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Much Weight Is Removed In Breast Reduction

How Much Weight Is Removed In Breast Reduction?

By | Breast, Breast Reduction
Breast reduction is a procedure that reduces the size of the breasts. Typically, the procedure is performed to alleviate problems associated with having breasts too large for one’s frame, such as back pain, rashes, and ill-fitting clothing. This removes tissue, fat, and sometimes glands. How much weight is removed in breast reduction?It largely depends on the size of your breasts and the frame. On average, a total of two to eight pounds is removed from the breasts during a breast reduction surgery bellevue. The amount removed depends on the size of your breasts, your goals, your body size and frame, and how much is safe to remove based on your health and medical history.Breast reduction is not a weight loss surgery and can utilize a few different surgical techniques. The most common is an anchor incision, similar to a breast lift. However, breast liposuction is often an option for those who need only a moderate reduction.During your consultation, Dr. Jonov will examine your breasts and discuss the symptoms you are experiencing. He will then formulate a plan for your breast reduction surgery based on what you want to achieve and what is possible. He will describe what you can expect following surgery. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About the difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction in Bellevue and Kirkland

Breast Lift vs. Reduction: What’s The Difference?

By | Breast Lift, Breast, Breast Reduction
On the surface, a breast lift and breast reduction sound like extraordinary different procedures. However, when looking at the incisions and techniques used, the two plastic surgeries look almost identical. Both surgeries remove excess skin and fat, may reposition the nipple, and often result in more lifted breasts. What is the difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction? The answer to the difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction comes down to the goals of each procedure and the reasons for operating. A breast lift primarily targets sagging of the breasts and changes in shape due to age, breastfeeding, and volume/weight loss in the breasts. A breast reduction typically treats overly large breasts by reducing the size. Often, this can alleviate symptoms like back pain and rashes.  In short, a breast lift mainly addresses the shape and a breast reduction mainly addresses the size. While similar methods are used, the two procedures treat different concerns and conditions.Additionally, breast lift patients are typically women who have had children and experienced volume loss due to motherhood and age. Breast reduction is more common in younger patients who genetically have larger breasts. Therefore, breast occurs on breasts of all sizes, while breast reduction only treats breasts too large for a patient’s frame. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Blog Post Photo For Breast Lift Or Reduction?

Breast Lift Or Reduction: Which Is Best For Me?

By | Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Breast

A breast lift and a breast reduction are extremely similar and sometimes even utilize the same surgical techniques. Therefore, for women wanting to lift their sagging breasts and get rid of extra skin and fat, it can be hard to distinguish which procedure will best benefit them. 

A breast lift is usually performed for women who experience breast sagging or ptosis. This can happen naturally with aging, breast feeding, and hormonal changes. During this surgery, the nipple is usually repositioned and extra skin and fat removed to make the breasts look perkier. A breast reduction often involves repositioning the nipple and removing certain amounts of skin and tissue. 

The main difference between these procedures is usually the amount of tissue removed. During a breast lift, Dr. Jonov will attempt to remove the least amount of breast tissue possible. Usually, a breast reduction surgery removes more tissue and there may not be breast ptosis or sagging to correct. While the surgical techniques are similar, the goals are different. 

A breast reduction can also relieve problems like back pain, rashes, and recurrent skin infections on or under the breasts when these are caused by overly large breasts. Breast lifts typically do not provide this same kind of relief like a reduction. 

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

Breast Reduction in Seattle and Tacoma

When Is A Breast Reduction Necessary?

By | Breast, Breast Reduction
A breast reduction in Seattle is a cosmetic procedure that decreases the size of the breasts. There are a variety of reasons for a breast reduction. Unlike many other cosmetic procedures, a breast reduction is often a medically necessary procedure and can alleviate a patient’s pain and improve their quality of life.The most common medical reasons for a breast reduction include back, neck, or shoulder pain. Overly large breasts can weigh down on a patient’s body, especially if they are petite or small in stature. This can cause stress on the spine and muscles in these areas. Chronic pain and even spinal problems often have their roots in overly large breasts.Other medical reasons for a breast reduction are rashes or hygiene problems caused by the breasts. While these have topical treatments and can sometimes be prevented, often a patient cannot adequately improve hygiene practices to diminish these concerns.Finally, living with overly large breasts can cause mental health issues and anguish that is unnecessary. Especially at a young age, large breasts can put a woman through increased stress and pain that can cause her to become anxious or depressed. Undergoing a breast reduction to make her breasts proportionate and even to the rest of her body can sometimes improve these mental health problems. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.