The appearance of breast surgery scars will vary based on the specific procedure and the patient’s healing process. For most breast surgeries, the scars can be hidden underneath a bra or swimsuit. However, scars on the breasts themselves are not always avoidable. Let’s look at the question, “What do breast surgery scars look like?”Breast augmentation scars are among the most discreet. There are a few options, but the two most common are an incision underneath the inframammary fold or the underarm. The incision is generally only a few centimeters long. It tends to heal well and become discreet for most patients.Breast lift and breast reduction scars are more extensive. The traditional technique involves an incision around the areola, vertically down the breast, and through the fold. While bras should completely cover these scars, there usually is some degree of visible scarring.Some patients will see less scarring than others based on their medical history and healing process. Patients prone to raised or dark scarring will likely see scars stick around longer, even if they heal better than usual. Patients who smoke will heal slower and tend to experience more and worsened scarring.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Breast lift surgery corrects sagging breasts and it can sometimes make the breasts look smaller. However, is this an optimal illusion or are the breasts actually smaller? The answer is not necessarily straightforward. So, let’s look deeper into the question, “Do you lose breast size with breast lift?”The main factor that determines if you lose breast size with a breast lift is how much sagging is present. If there is only a small amount of sagging and extra skin, patients will likely not lose breast volume. For larger breast lifts, some breast tissue will likely also need to be removed to provide a good result.Women who undergo a large breast lift may also consider getting breast implants to maintain volume and make their breasts look even more youthful. Though, many patients who require a massive breast lift would benefit from a breast reduction which Dr. Jonov can perform at the same time. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Breast lift surgery removes skin and tissue from the breast to reduce the weight which causes the breast to sag. Due to this, the breasts usually end up smaller than before breast lift surgery. This can concern patients who want to maintain their volume. However, it is important to remember that—while they are similar—a breast lift is ultimately different from a breast reduction. Let’s look at the frequently asked question, “What size will I be after breast lift?” The answer to this question largely varies from patient to patient. Some patients may see little volume loss while others may experience more significant volume loss. On average patients can expect a breast lift to reduce breasts by one cup size. For some patients, this will not be significant while others may worry their breasts will be smaller than they want. One solution is to place breast implants at the same time as the breast lift. This helps to maintain or add volume while also lifting the breasts. An auto augmentation may also help patients maintain natural looking volume, but it generally still results in a slight reduction. Patients may be able to do fat transfer to the breasts at the same time. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Following cosmetic breast surgery such as breast augmentation with lift, patients must wear a supportive surgical bra for both their own comfort and to promote optimal healing. However, often within a few weeks, patients want to retire their bras because they feel back to their normal selves. So, when can I go braless after a breast augmentation?The exact time when you can begin to go braless following a breast augmentation with lift is usually between two and three months post-op. While patients may be back to their full activity at this point, the breasts need added support until the implants drop and they reach a certain point of healing. With that said, patients can often switch to a sports bra after a few weeks.If everything goes well, patients may be able to begin going braless for short periods of time at six weeks. However, they should not do so regularly and should still wear supportive garments, especially when exercising. Dr. Jonov will provide more insight during your post-operative appointments when he gauges your healing.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Surgical scarring—especially after plastic surgery—is one of the biggest concerns for patients who undergo cosmetic procedures. Even when the scars are typically hidden under clothing, they can still bother patients. Breast scarring is a great example of usually hidden scarring that can cause distress. Let’s look at the frequently asked question, “Will I have scars after a breast lift?”A breast lift usually involves fairly extensive incisions in the shape of the anchor—the incision stretches around the nipple, down the breast, and through the inframammary fold. This will inevitably leave scarring. While every patient will heal differently, the incisions around the nipple and areola tend to heal well and generally become quite indistinguishable.The vertical incision down the breast is often the one that causes the most concern. It will take some time to heal and may remain visible for a while. Following post-operative procedures and taking proactive steps to minimize scarring such as with Scar Protocol will help keep the scars discreet.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

When considering breast augmentation, many women, especially those over thirty, wonder if they will also need a breast lift to achieve the results they want. Sagging breasts naturally occur over time and can be worsened by smoking, having children, and genetics. While ultimately a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Craig Jonov is the best person to determine if a lift is necessary, there are some ways to know if you need a lift with your augmentation. First off, there is the classic pencil test. If you can hold a pencil in the crease between your breast and torso, you may benefit from a breast lift. This is one of the more traditional ways that can indicate a need for a breast lift. However, it does not fully account for pseudo ptosis, or types of sagging where only certain structures are affected. For example, sometimes the nipples may sag or point downward, but only a small amount of breast tissue sags. In this case, a patient may benefit from a breast lift to reposition the nipples. This does not always require a full breast lift to achieve. Finally, the size of the breast implants you want also can help Dr. Jonov determine if a lift is necessary. The bigger the implants, the better chance they will have of sagging. Sometimes, he can avoid a lift through dual plan placement or other techniques depending on the patient’s anatomy and the implant size. To learn more, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

Saggy breasts are a common complaint we hear during consultations at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery. Many women want to achieve perkier breasts and restore lost volume. Thankfully, there are many options to address saggy breasts including a breast lift or breast lift with augmentation. The right procedure for you will depend on your goals, anatomy, and the cause of sagging. Let’s take a look at 3 causes of saggy breasts. #1: Aging
Aging is the most common cause of saggy breasts. As skin loses elasticity and gravity continues to pull down on the breasts, this eventually causes sagging for most women. Though, every woman will see different changes related to aging. Some may see only minor sagging while others may see more severe ptosis. #2: Weight Changes
Weight changes–gain or loss–can contribute to or worsen breast sagging. With weight loss, extra skin can cause breast sagging and result in unwanted volume loss. Weight gain can increase the volume in the breasts, which can also cause sagging. When combined with aging and other factors, weight changes can largely affect breast ptosis. #3: Smoking
Smoking causes the premature breakdown of the body’s structures. It limits collagen production, thins the skin, and leads to loss of elasticity earlier in life. It can also overall worsen the natural aging of your skin and breasts. If you quit smoking before this occurs, you can slow or sometimes even reverse this.
To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using chat, Price Simulator®, or our contact form.

A breast lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that corrects breast sagging and ptosis. In many cases, patients choose to combine a breast lift with breast implants for fuller and perkier breasts. Sometimes, breast lift results can make the breasts look bigger. Due to this, patients occasionally ask, “Do breast lifts require implants?”The answer is no. Patients who undergo a breast lift do not have to have breast implants placed. A breast lift simply removes extra skin and unnecessary tissue to create a perkier breast. Breast sagging can occur for many reasons including age, nursing, pregnancy, and genetics. This leads many people to seek out breast lift surgery.Most patients who have a breast lift are good candidates for breast augmentation as well. If patients want breast implants along with a breast lift, the implants can be added through the same incisions as your breast lift. It also forgoes the need for two surgical sessions by combining the two procedures together. A breast lift and breast augmentation can complement each other spectacularly. The two procedures can create a more youthful breast appearance and restore the breasts to previous fullness and shape. To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also contact us online using our Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.

On the surface, a breast lift and breast reduction sound like extraordinary different procedures. However, when looking at the incisions and techniques used, the two plastic surgeries look almost identical. Both surgeries remove excess skin and fat, may reposition the nipple, and often result in more lifted breasts. What is the difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction? The answer to the difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction comes down to the goals of each procedure and the reasons for operating. A breast lift primarily targets sagging of the breasts and changes in shape due to age, breastfeeding, and volume/weight loss in the breasts. A breast reduction typically treats overly large breasts by reducing the size. Often, this can alleviate symptoms like back pain and rashes. In short, a breast lift mainly addresses the shape and a breast reduction mainly addresses the size. While similar methods are used, the two procedures treat different concerns and conditions.Additionally, breast lift patients are typically women who have had children and experienced volume loss due to motherhood and age. Breast reduction is more common in younger patients who genetically have larger breasts. Therefore, breast occurs on breasts of all sizes, while breast reduction only treats breasts too large for a patient’s frame. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

Breast augmentation is a procedure that increases the size of the breasts. Typically, an implant or fat are used during a breast augmentation procedure to achieve larger breasts. However, some patients may benefit from a surgery known as auto augmentation. Auto augmentation is a breast augmentation procedure that does not utilize any foreign material to achieve larger breasts. How does this work? Breast augmentation without an implant utilizes a breast lift procedure to correct sagging breasts, while repositioning breast tissue for a natural augmentation. Auto augmentation does not provide the dramatic results that traditional breast implants can. However, for many patients, these are subtle, natural results are preferable. Dr. Jonov performs the procedure similar to a breast lift. Making an incision down the breast, he will lift the nipples and areolas. He will then carefully move existing breast tissue into a more flattering and youthful position. This creates a perkier, fuller breast. Auto augmentation is a wonderful option for patients who have some breast sagging and volume loss, but do not want breast implants. Depending on your goals, it can also be part of a traditional breast augmentation. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
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