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A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is Transaxillary Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation Bellevue: What Is Transaxillary Breast Augmentation?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
As one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, plastic surgeons continue to innovate upon breast augmentation. With new types of breast implants and less invasive surgical techniques, patients can garner better results today than in the past. One of the most exciting revolutions in breast augmentation surgery is the development and pioneering of transaxillary breast augmentation. What is transaxillary breast augmentation? Transaxillary breast augmentation refers to a surgical technique where a cosmetic surgeon places breast implants through an incision in the armpit. This keeps scarring away from the breasts, which is an exceedingly popular benefit of the technique. At first, cosmetic surgeons placed only saline breast implants with this method. However, further innovation has made it possible to place silicone breast implants during transaxillary breast augmentation for good candidates. Additionally, the position of the armpit allows surgeons to place breast implants under the muscle without excising the muscle. This less invasive and minimal technique can lead to a less painful and easier recovery. While the muscle will still need to stretch, transaxillary breast augmentation can reduce the overall trauma to the chest muscle. To learn more about transaxillary breast augmentation and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also contact us online via our Price Simulator™, chat, and contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long Does It Take For Silicone Implants To Drop

Breast Augmentation Bellevue: How Long Does It Take For Silicone Implants To Drop?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
Immediately following breast augmentation surgery, the breasts will look bigger and fuller. However, the position of the implants becomes distorted as you heal due to swelling, inflammation, and the tightness of the muscle. It is completely normal for the implants to sit higher on the chest after breast augmentation. They will eventually drop into a more natural position. How long does it take for silicone implants to drop? First off, it should be noted that your breast implants may not drop at the same time. It is not uncommon for one breast implant to drop quicker than the other. This is usually due to the natural anatomy of the breast and is no cause for concern. Breast implants usually take around three months to drop. Based on other factors, this time will vary between patients. For example, patients with a strong pectoralis muscle may see implants take longer to drop. Gummy bear implants may also drop sooner than traditional silicone or saline breast implants.  Generally, breast implants drop within a few months of surgery. Results of breast augmentation are considered final about nine to twelve months following surgery. Dr. Jonov may also instruct you to massage your breasts to promote dropping and to alleviate swelling and other factors.  To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can contact us online via our contact form, Price Simulator™, or chat.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Does Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Lessen Recovery Time?

Breast Augmentation Bellevue: Does Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Lessen Recovery Time?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
When researching breast augmentation and deciding which technique is best for them, patients may come across many facts about transaxillary breast augmentation. One of these includes that transaxillary patients can experience a quicker recovery. Among the other benefits that draw patients to the transaxillary approach, this is one that patients often want to know if it is true or not most. So, does transaxillary breast augmentation less recovery time? The answer to this is that it depends. The placement of the transaxillary incision in the armpit allows easy access to behind the chest muscle. In most cases, this allows Dr. Jonov to place the breast implant behind the muscle without excision. No cutting of the muscle usually contributes to a less painful and quicker recovery. However, other factors do impact breast augmentation recovery time. Firstly, smoking can greatly increase recovery time regardless of the technique. Also, if patients return to work too quickly or try to exercise before they can, it can disrupt recovery. Finally, medical and genetic factors such as conditions and previous surgeries can lead to a quicker or slower recovery.  In general, the transaxillary breast augmentation method may lessen recovery time in patients who are good candidates. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also contact us online using our contact forms, chat, or Price Simulator™.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Ways To Treat Capsular Contracture

Breast Implants Bellevue: Ways To Treat Capsular Contracture

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
Capsular contracture is a rare complication of breast implants where scar tissue forms a capsule around a breast implant. While possible to experience no symptoms, some patients experience pain, distortion of their results, tightness, and increased firmness. The formation of scar tissue is normal. Although, it should not cause any symptoms or change the look or feel of your results. If you develop capsular contracture, are there ways to treat capsular contracture?There are many ways to treat capsular contracture and it depends on the severity. For Grade I, it is likely most patients will not notice any difference or symptoms. Therefore, no treatment is needed. For Grades II and III, which do not commonly cause pain, ultrasound assisted lymphatic massage has shown to reduce and treat capsular contracture. Grade IV capsular contracture is the most severe and often painful. While ultrasound massage may provide some benefit, the best course of action for this type of capsular contracture may be breast revision or implant removal. Known as an en bloc removal, Dr. Jonov removes the breast implant and full scar tissue capsule. If you want to replace one or both breast implants at this time, you usually can do so.To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also contact us online via chat, our Price Simulator™ app, or contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Are Saline Implants Hard?

Saline Implants Bellevue: Are Saline Implants Hard?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
Choosing the right breast implants is different for every breast augmentation patient because each patient has unique goals for their breasts. While the most popular breast implants in Bellevue are silicone gummy bear breast implants, many women seek out saline breast implants. When discussing the various implant options, patients sometimes ask, “Are saline implants hard?” Saline implants do have a firmer feel than silicone breast implants. Some women desire a firmer feel and are inclined towards saline implants. Saline implants should not feel overly hard just firmer than other breast implants. Often, women who already have plenty of breast tissue are better candidates for saline breast implants because the firmness feels more natural. The breast tissue also better disguises the breast implant and prevents rippling. Thinner women may not favor saline breast implants because they can feel more firm due to less breast tissue. While petite women can still achieve great results with saline breast implants, it is often recommended that women with volume loss or those with little breast tissue choose a silicone breast implant.  For women who prefer the firmer feel or have significant breast tissue already, saline breast implants can offer a wonderful breast augmentation option. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Photo For A Blog Post About Breast Augmentation Without An Implant

Breast Augmentation Without An Implant: How It Works

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast
Breast augmentation is a procedure that increases the size of the breasts. Typically, an implant or fat are used during a breast augmentation procedure to achieve larger breasts. However, some patients may benefit from a surgery known as auto augmentation. Auto augmentation is a breast augmentation procedure that does not utilize any foreign material to achieve larger breasts. How does this work? Breast augmentation without an implant utilizes a breast lift procedure to correct sagging breasts, while repositioning breast tissue for a natural augmentation. Auto augmentation does not provide the dramatic results that traditional breast implants can. However, for many patients, these are subtle, natural results are preferable. Dr. Jonov performs the procedure similar to a breast lift. Making an incision down the breast, he will lift the nipples and areolas. He will then carefully move existing breast tissue into a more flattering and youthful position. This creates a perkier, fuller breast.  Auto augmentation is a wonderful option for patients who have some breast sagging and volume loss, but do not want breast implants. Depending on your goals, it can also be part of a traditional breast augmentation. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Photo For Silicone vs. Saline Implants

Saline vs. Silicone Implants: How To Choose?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast, Breast Revision
When you decide to undergo a Bellevue breast augmentation, it can often be overwhelming to look at all the possible breast implant options. The first choice you will need to make is the type of implant you want. In the United States, there are two FDA approved implants commonly used by plastic surgeons, saline and silicone. Choosing between silicone vs. saline requires consideration of your anatomy, health, and goals.  The difference between these two breast implants is what they are filled with. Saline implants consist of a silicone shell that Dr. Jonov inserts and then fills with sterile water. Silicone implants come pre-filled and consist of a thicker, viscous silicone gel. So, how do you choose between saline vs. silicone implants? 

Saline Implants

The major advantage that saline implants have over silicone is that they can be inserted through a smaller incision. Additionally, in the event of a rupture, it is noticeable almost immediately. They also are usually less expensive than silicone implants. Yet, saline implants have a higher risk of rippling and most women believe they do not look or feel as natural. However, if a woman already has a significant amount of breast tissue, this implant option may serve her goals well.  

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants account for most of the breast augmentation surgeries performed in the US. This is largely because they mimic natural breast tissue and the advancements of gummy bear breast implants. In the rare event of a rupture, gummy bear implants are more likely to hold their shape. Many patients prefer the results with silicone implants and they are considered just as safe as saline implants. They are also popular for breast reconstruction surgeries and FTM breast augmentation.  To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online
A photo for a blog post about the History of Breast Augmentation Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

The History Of Breast Augmentation

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast

After the Industrial Revolution, the age of medical advancements began. The first breast augmentation was performed to correct breast asymmetry caused when a woman had a tumor removed. Previous to and following this, women injected and inserted many things in an attempt to augment their breasts. Early attempted implants included: silicone, paraffin, glass balls, wood, and many other materials. Obviously, these implants offered little to no result at best and dangerous complications at worst. 

It wasn’t until 1962 when a woman would first receive silicone implants. Performed by surgeons Dr. Frank Gerow and Dr. Thomas Cronin, the first breast augmentation came at the same time a curvier figure came into style. 

In the decades since this first breast enlargement surgery, silicone breast implants have become one of the most researched medical devices in the world. Their safety has also increased. The newest advancement includes the gummy bear implant which is less likely to rupture, looks and feels more natural, and has a higher chance of staying cohesive in the rare event of a rupture. 

To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery in Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

The Definition Of Mommy Makeover: What Exactly Is It?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Brazilian Butt Lift

When seeking out plastic surgery, you may hear the term “mommy makeover” floating around. Unlike other procedures like breast augmentation or facelift, the name does not describe the procedure or the exact results you can expect. This is because it is a highly customizable procedure that you and Dr. Jonov will cater specifically to your body and needs.

The procedure carries the moniker “mommy makeover” because women’s bodies change drastically after childbirth, however, you do not have to be a mother or have had children to be a candidate for the surgery. Generally, it simply refers to a grouping of procedures that rejuvenates the body. Most often, a mommy makeover includes a breast and body procedure. Some patients choose to add on a facial plastic surgery, Brazilian butt lift, or other cosmetic surgery.

Every mommy makeover surgery that Dr. Jonov performs is different because everybody has different anatomy and every patient has unique goals. During your consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, you can discuss what you want to achieve with your mommy makeover and determine if you are a good candidate. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.