Can A Mammogram Rupture An Implant?
Breast implants remain one of the most popular medical devices placed every year. The number of people undergoing breast augmentation surgery continues to rise. Thus, as more people seek out the surgery, they come to The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery with questions. Obviously, patients seeking breast implants want to avoid rupture. Therefore, a question Dr. Jonov is hearing more is, “Can a mammogram rupture an implant?” No, a mammogram should not rupture a breast implant. You should tell the provider administering your mammogram about your implants so that they can ensure they get a good reading of all of your breast tissue. However, it is extremely unlikely that your mammogram will affect your implants at all. If you have exceptionally old breast implants (well over ten years old), there may be a slightly higher chance. However, the amount of force and trauma it takes to rupture an intact breast implant is simply not present when undergoing a mammogram. Plastic surgeons advise patients to continue mammograms as normal after getting breast implants. If you have severe concerns, you may be able to undergo a gentler breast ultrasound. Still, patients do not have anything to worry about when getting a mammogram with breast implants. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

There are some plastic surgeries where pregnancy can impact or even ruin results. In these cases, Dr. Jonov may recommend waiting until you are finished having kids and nursing to undergo certain procedures. Due to this, many patients ask, “Will pregnancy ruin your breast implants?” In most cases, your breast implants are not affected by pregnancy. Your breasts will change in size and shape due to hormonal differences and nursing. However, they should return mostly back to normal. Some minor changes may occur, but overall the size of the breasts will not change. Dr. Jonov usually does not have qualms about placing breast implants when a patient plans to have kids in the future. However, if you are also undergoing a breast lift, this can change following pregnancy. While it is less likely to ruin the results than a tummy tuck, it should be taken into consideration before undergoing a breast lift. In general, though, breast surgery will only see minimal effects following pregnancy and nursing. If you plan on getting pregnant within a year of breast augmentation surgery, you may consider postponing it until after you have given birth and nursed. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Among one of the top concerns of patients seeking breast augmentation is the risk of breast implant rupture. This is understandable as this is a risk, especially with older implants. Patients often want to understand, “How hard is it to rupture a silicone breast implant?”Many people who have researched breast augmentation know that saline breast implants are more likely to rupture than silicone breast implants. This is because the gel filling of silicone implants is more cohesive and can withstand more than the liquid in a saline implant. By various estimations, silicone breast implants can withstand at least 300 pounds.This is much more than a mammogram applies. Most of the time, in the first few years, the only things that will rupture a silicone breast implant are major trauma to the chest such as a car accident or fall. Silicone implants do have more of a risk of rupturing as they age. Therefore, if you have concerns about a rupture and your implants are more than five years old, it may be worth having them examined.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

Breast augmentation–like all surgeries–comes with some temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, and numbness. In most cases, these resolve within a few weeks and are managed via prescription medications and aftercare. One of the most common concerns is loss of nipple sensation which can occur following breast augmentation surgery. Let’s look further into the frequently asked question, “When do you regain feeling in the nipples after breast augmentation?” First off, it should be noted that not all patients will experience loss of sensation in the nipples after surgery. While they likely will be numb immediately after surgery due to anesthetics, this will gradually wear off over one to two days. If you had a transaxillary or transumbilical breast augmentation, the nipples are less likely to be affected. If you do experience loss of nipple sensation, it can take time to resolve. Many will begin getting some feeling back within two to three months after surgery. However, it can take a year or more to resolve in some patients. Though, it is more common for those who underwent a periareolar incision to experience longer loss of sensation than those of any other incision. Most patients experience a full or nearly full return of sensation within one year. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

When considering breast augmentation, many women, especially those over thirty, wonder if they will also need a breast lift to achieve the results they want. Sagging breasts naturally occur over time and can be worsened by smoking, having children, and genetics. While ultimately a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Craig Jonov is the best person to determine if a lift is necessary, there are some ways to know if you need a lift with your augmentation. First off, there is the classic pencil test. If you can hold a pencil in the crease between your breast and torso, you may benefit from a breast lift. This is one of the more traditional ways that can indicate a need for a breast lift. However, it does not fully account for pseudo ptosis, or types of sagging where only certain structures are affected. For example, sometimes the nipples may sag or point downward, but only a small amount of breast tissue sags. In this case, a patient may benefit from a breast lift to reposition the nipples. This does not always require a full breast lift to achieve. Finally, the size of the breast implants you want also can help Dr. Jonov determine if a lift is necessary. The bigger the implants, the better chance they will have of sagging. Sometimes, he can avoid a lift through dual plan placement or other techniques depending on the patient’s anatomy and the implant size. To learn more, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

Following breast augmentation surgery, most patients can fully return to all activities within six to eight weeks. However, just because they resume exercise and lifting does not mean that they have seen their final results or fully recovered. In general, plastic surgeons consider results final and recovery finished after nine months to a year. So, let’s look at what to expect a year after breast augmentation.The first year following breast augmentation surgery is the most crucial. This is when the breast implants will drop into position, when most complications occur, and when patients can begin enjoying their newly augmented breasts. When you hit the one year mark, your implants should have dropped, your breasts should feel soft, and any noticeable side effects should have subsided.Dr. Jonov may or may not want to see you for a one year post-op, depending on how the rest of your recovery went, or if you have concerns. Most breast augmentation complications–while rare–tend to happen within the first year. Therefore, after your one year post-op, you will only need to follow up with Dr. Jonov if you have concerns.At one year, patients should see the full results of their breast augmentation surgery. This is when it is truly possible to gauge the outcome. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also connect with us online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.

Breast augmentation patients have many individual and personalized goals. For example, some want only a modest increase in size, while others want to go as large as they can. Though, many patients agree that they want their breasts to feel natural following the procedure. What type of breast implant feels the most natural?Luckily, modern breast implants offer options that feel and look natural. In general, there are two categories of breast implants: saline and silicone. Silicone also contains two types: traditional silicone and gummy bear. Depending on the current size and anatomy of your breasts as well as what you consider the most natural feel, this will determine the right implant for you. Most women consider saline implants as the least natural feeling option. However, for women who already have a good amount of breast tissue, saline implants can provide a natural look and feel, especially when placed under the muscle. Silicone implants were designed to feel natural and are generally considered to be the most natural option. The newest generation of silicone implants, gummy bear implants, contain a cohesive gel that mimics the feel of the breasts. The anatomical or teardrop shape is also meant to take on the natural slope of the breasts.Dr. Jonov can discuss what implant type may best benefit you during a consultation. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.

How Much Weight Do You Lose With A Mommy Makeover?
Many patients who undergo a mommy makeover have experienced changes in or struggled with their weight. They often seek out this procedure to correct the damage or changes in their body due to weight fluctuations. Therefore, some patients sometimes still carry some weight when they come in for surgery. Does this mean you cannot have surgery? Will it eliminate all of this weight? How much weight do you lose with a mommy makeover? Let’s answer these questions.Weight & Mommy Makeover
People who have had children do tend to carry extra weight due to this for various reasons. Hormones, age, genetics, having a C-section, and many other factors all contribute to this extra weight. Due to this, post-baby weight can be especially difficult, if not impossible to lose. At your mommy makeover consultation, Dr. Jonov will evaluate if you are healthy enough to undergo a mommy makeover surgery. Typically, as long as you are not obese and fairly healthy, you may be a good candidate. That said, it is recommended that patients be between five and twenty-five pounds of their goal weight before surgery.Why? A mommy makeover is not a weight loss surgery. While it may include procedures that remove fat such as liposuction and a tummy tuck, these procedures do not remove large amounts of fat. Most of the time during any plastic surgery, patients do not lose more than ten pounds during surgery.Mommy makeover surgery can be a motivator to lose weight–both before and after the procedure. Many patients do not need to lose any or a significant amount of weight before surgery. However, if it is necessary, Dr. Jonov will discuss this with you during your consultation.Mommy Makeover Surgery
The exact outcome of a mommy makeover depends on the procedures involved. A mommy makeover is an extremely customizable procedure. Traditionally, the surgery is a combination of breast surgery (like breast augmentation) and a tummy procedure (like a tummy tuck). Though, a mommy makeover is not limited to two procedures or to breast and stomach surgeries. A mommy makeover can include nearly any combination of procedures. However, it usually contains at least one breast and/or tummy surgery. Some of the procedures that can be a part of a mommy makeover are:
Dr. Jonov will discuss your options for mommy makeover and what procedures will help you reach your cosmetic goals. Every mommy makeover is custom tailored to fit each patient’s unique desires and needs. As an experienced plastic surgeon with over two decades in the field, Dr. Jonov brings his expertise to every consultation to advise you on your mommy makeover journey. To learn more about mommy makeover surgery in Bellevue and to schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online using Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.

Breast augmentation is one of the oldest forms of plastic surgery. Due to this, the methods surgeons use during surgery have continued to evolve and improve. An example is transaxillary breast augmentation which places breast implants through the armpit. One of the newest techniques to place saline breast implants is transumbilical breast augmentation. What is transumbilical breast augmentation? Transumbilical breast augmentation uses an incision in or near the belly button to place breast implants. Currently, due to the limited space and surgical technique, this method can only accommodate saline breast implants because they are placed unfilled. Essentially, the surgeon creates a tunnel between the fat layer and the skin. Using this tunnel, they will then place the breast implants. This technique is not widely performed, but is growing increasingly popular due to the demand for no scarring on the breasts. Surgeons will likely continue to innovate and improve the technique to accommodate more implant types and become more viable for most patients. Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery can determine if you would be a good candidate for transumbilical breast augmentation or if another technique would better suit your goals. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online through chat, contact form, or Price Simulator™.

Breast augmentation Bellevue complications are rare, but understandably, patients want to know the risks of breast implants. Among one of the most well known and troubling complications patients ask about is breast implant rupture. Rupture is when a breast implant breaks within the breast. Depending on the type of breast implant, rupture may not cause too many issues beyond a deflated breast. However, in extremely rare cases, rupture can cause major problems. With silicone implants becoming the standard, patients often want to know “How hard is it to rupture a silicone implant?”Modern silicone breast implants rarely rupture. Silicone breast implants can withstand hundreds of pounds of force and pressure. It is unlikely that normal everyday contact or force would cause your breast implants to rupture. There have been cases of certain types of injuries or accidents (such as a car accident) causing implants to rupture, though even this is fairly rare.Breast implants do break down over time with natural wear and tear. Therefore, the chances of rupturing them from force do go up over time. It is also possible to cause small tears in the implant. It is important to monitor your implants carefully and reach out if you have concerns.Modern silicone breast implants, known as gummy bear breast implants, are made of a cohesive gel less likely to leak or rupture. In the rare event that a gummy bear implant ruptures, the gel sticks to itself and is less likely to lose its shape or cause major problems. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can contact us online using Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.
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