Liposuction is a well known plastic surgery procedure that uses light suction to remove fat cells. Though, a common misconception is that liposuction is a weight loss surgery, but this is inaccurate. Liposuction removes small pockets of fat to help tone and contour the body. In the largest liposuction procedures, it will remove up to ten pounds of fat. Therefore, this can lead patients to ask, “Should I lose weight before lipo?”The answer to this question is complicated. The first factor to consider is the goals for undergoing liposuction. If a patient is looking to address a particular area such as under the chin, losing weight is not necessary in most cases. However, if a patient is more for sculpting and contouring or there are multiple treatment sites, Dr. Jonov may recommend losing some weight before liposuction.Generally, anyone with a BMI under 30 does not need to lose weight to see good results. Though, again, this can vary. In some cases, such as that of a fat transfer procedure like a BBL, Dr. Jonov may advise the patient to gain some weight in order to have enough fat to transfer. With that said, it is rare for major weight changes to be needed to undergo surgery. If currently in the process of losing weight, wait to seek liposuction until around ten pounds within the goal weight. This will give Dr. Jonov a more accurate idea of how the skin will retract and if liposuction will provide good results. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Liposuction is one of the most popular minimally invasive surgeries available. It can be performed in isolation to remove small portions of fat. Though, liposuction is also used to harvest fat for fat transfer procedures such as Brazilian butt lift and fat transfer to the breasts. Let’s look at one of the most frequently asked questions about lipo, “Does lipo leave scars?”When performing liposuction, Dr. Jonov does make small incisions to serve as entry points for the liposuction cannula. These incisions are exceptionally small and often only require a single stitch to close. They are also in hidden areas, keeping them mostly hidden. Regardless, liposuction scars tend to heal well and often become imperceptible.With that said, there is a small possibility that liposuction scars could develop into raised scars or keloids. This is rare but is something to discuss with Dr. Jonov if you are prone to developing such scarring.To learn more and schedule a free consultation with Dr. Craig Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

3 Ways To Maintain Thigh Liposuction Results
Thigh liposuction can provide amazing results by creating a thigh gap, addressing saddle bags, and help overall thin the thighs. Often patients want to ensure that they maintain their results for as long as possible. It is reassuring to know that fat removed from liposuction cannot come back. However, this does not mean liposuction cannot be reversed. Here are 3 ways to maintain thigh liposuction results. #1: Exercise
After you are fully recovered, it is important to exercise to help maintain your weight. This can also help tone the thighs and improve results. It is also generally healthy and helps keep you in good health which is important for maintaining any surgical result. You do not need to be a gym rat to keep your result fortunately and some basic exercise should be enough. #2: Do Not Smoke
Smoking—beyond putting your health at risk—also reduces circulation and ages you faster. Thus, the skin can lose elasticity and sag. This can lead to you needing a thigh lift or seeing your thigh appearance change, even without major weight fluctuations. Avoiding smoking is best when wanting to remain looking youthful as long as possible. #3: Stay Hydrated
Hydration is important for your entire body and being dehydrated can cause negative effects on the skin and tissues which can promote less healthy skin. In turn, this can age the skin. Additionally, not getting enough water is also linked to weight gain which can negatively affect thigh lipo results. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Renuvion–also known as J Plasma–is a skin tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency and helium plasma technology to promote tighter, younger skin. While not entirely non-surgical, it is non-invasive and can be performed under local anesthesia. The recovery and downtime is also minimal, especially when compared to more invasive options. Often paired with liposuction patients sometimes ask, “Can you do Renuvion without liposuction?” Yes, Renuvion, while usually performed with liposuction, can be performed in isolation. Renuvion and liposuction have two different goals, even though they often come together. Renuvion tightens the skin while liposuction removes fat. If you do not have extra fat to be removed, Renuvion is great for tightening up the skin. Additionally, if loose skin is not a concern, but fat is, liposuction can be performed. However, it is almost always a good idea to use Renuvion if you are a candidate for liposuction. After liposuction, the skin must retract to match the new contours of the body area. Renuvion aids this process and can improve the results of liposuction. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.

Fat loss–whether to age or dieting–is one of the main factors in causing saggy skin. While this can happen at any age, it is especially common after pregnancy and in older adults. Knowing that fat loss contributes to this, it is logical for many patients to ask, “Does liposuction cause saggy skin?” The answer is no, though it can if not performed correctly or on the right patient. The best liposuction candidates are those who only need a small amount of fat removed and who still have good skin elasticity. This means that the skin can still retract easily and is likely to retract after fat removal. Younger patients tend to have better skin elasticity than older patients. If liposuction is performed on a patient with poor skin elasticity, or too much fat is removed, the skin may not adequately retract. This can lead to loose, saggy skin and the need for another procedure to remove this. Commonly, many patients will come in for abdominal liposuction, only to find out that they would benefit best from a tummy tuck for these reasons. It should be noted that even in ideal patients, it will take several months for the skin to fully retract. Wearing a compression garment and following post-operative instructions are the best way to promote optimal skin retraction. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.

When comparing liposuction to procedures like a tummy tuck, liposuction consists of small, minimal incisions. While liposuction typically does require some incisions, it is a much less invasive procedure than one that removes skin. Naturally, this leads to questions like, “Does lipo leave scars?”The answer is that it depends. The average incision size for liposuction is about a quarter inch. Some may even be as small as an eighth of an inch, with most not getting larger than half an inch. Though, liposuction can treat multiple areas at once, meaning that there may be multiple incision points. Generally, they are located in natural creases of the body. While these incisions can scar, in most cases they heal well. Regardless, Dr. Jonov will do his best to hide the incisions in creases or places that undergarments should cover. If you are prone to hypertrophic or keloid scars, it is important to discuss this with Dr. Jonov during your consultation.Based on your medical history, previous scar history, and other factors, Dr. Jonov can determine what you can expect from liposuction scars. In most patients, the scars heal well and fade. Scar Protocol treatment can also help. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

How Much Weight Do You Lose With A Mommy Makeover?
Many patients who undergo a mommy makeover have experienced changes in or struggled with their weight. They often seek out this procedure to correct the damage or changes in their body due to weight fluctuations. Therefore, some patients sometimes still carry some weight when they come in for surgery. Does this mean you cannot have surgery? Will it eliminate all of this weight? How much weight do you lose with a mommy makeover? Let’s answer these questions.Weight & Mommy Makeover
People who have had children do tend to carry extra weight due to this for various reasons. Hormones, age, genetics, having a C-section, and many other factors all contribute to this extra weight. Due to this, post-baby weight can be especially difficult, if not impossible to lose. At your mommy makeover consultation, Dr. Jonov will evaluate if you are healthy enough to undergo a mommy makeover surgery. Typically, as long as you are not obese and fairly healthy, you may be a good candidate. That said, it is recommended that patients be between five and twenty-five pounds of their goal weight before surgery.Why? A mommy makeover is not a weight loss surgery. While it may include procedures that remove fat such as liposuction and a tummy tuck, these procedures do not remove large amounts of fat. Most of the time during any plastic surgery, patients do not lose more than ten pounds during surgery.Mommy makeover surgery can be a motivator to lose weight–both before and after the procedure. Many patients do not need to lose any or a significant amount of weight before surgery. However, if it is necessary, Dr. Jonov will discuss this with you during your consultation.Mommy Makeover Surgery
The exact outcome of a mommy makeover depends on the procedures involved. A mommy makeover is an extremely customizable procedure. Traditionally, the surgery is a combination of breast surgery (like breast augmentation) and a tummy procedure (like a tummy tuck). Though, a mommy makeover is not limited to two procedures or to breast and stomach surgeries. A mommy makeover can include nearly any combination of procedures. However, it usually contains at least one breast and/or tummy surgery. Some of the procedures that can be a part of a mommy makeover are:
Dr. Jonov will discuss your options for mommy makeover and what procedures will help you reach your cosmetic goals. Every mommy makeover is custom tailored to fit each patient’s unique desires and needs. As an experienced plastic surgeon with over two decades in the field, Dr. Jonov brings his expertise to every consultation to advise you on your mommy makeover journey. To learn more about mommy makeover surgery in Bellevue and to schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online using Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.

VASER liposuction is a type of liposuction that uses ultrasound technology to liquefy the fat and tighten the skin. VASER lipo is often combined with more traditional liposuction techniques to provide further toning and skin tightening. When considering their options, patients often inquire about the benefits of VASER liposuction, especially in comparison to regular liposuction techniques. VASER liposuction is similar to traditional liposuction in that it often uses tumescent to break up the fat and requires small incisions. However, it is generally considered a more gentle and less invasive form of liposuction. It also has the ability to target fat more precisely which leads to better muscle definition than traditional lipo. One of the biggest advantages of VASER liposuction is its skin tightening properties. Occasionally, patients will not see their skin retract enough following a liposuction procedure. This is unlikely in an ideal liposuction candidate, however, VASER can help the skin contract following surgery for a tighter physique. Overall, the main benefits of VASER lipo is that it allows Dr. Jonov to be more precise during liposuction. It also promote skin and tissue tightening for better Bellevue liposuction results. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also contact us online via our Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.

Liposuction is one of the most misunderstood plastic surgery procedures. It is not a weight loss surgery. However, it can completely transform the body. One of the questions patients often ask when looking at a procedure like liposuction is, “How much fat can be liposuctioned at once?” or “How much fat can lipo remove?” The answers to these questions will vary based on individual patient health, treatment area, and other procedures they are receiving at the same time. In general, the majority of liposuction procedures will not remove more than ten to fifteen pounds of fat. Most lipo procedures remove much less than that. Often, larger lipo surgeries remove fat from multiple areas of the body versus one treatment area. This accounts for small portions of fat from multiple areas of the body. This is typically the safest way ten pounds of fat is removed with liposuction. It is possible to liposuction more than fifteen pounds, but the surgery becomes higher risk and is not suitable in most cases. Usually, lipo is performed on diet and exercise resistant fat, or to define the body’s features. When interested in liposuction, Dr. Jonov will discuss if lipo or another procedure such as a tummy tuck may better serve your needs. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

Fat transfer procedures have revolutionized the cosmetic surgery industry in recent years. While cosmetic surgeons have used fat transfer for over a hundred years to correct major scars and disfigurements, usually from wartime injuries, fat grafting has continued to see advancements as fat harvesting saw improvements. Today, fat grafting, liposuction, and subsequent transfer have become among the most popular body contouring procedures. Firstly, like the original uses of the procedure, facial fat transfer can fill in facial hollows, correct acne scarring, and address other facial scarring. Normally, the fat is injected through a small cannula. This can rejuvenate the face for a younger appearance and for reconstructive purposes.As liposuction saw advancements, fat transfer procedures did also. Fat transfer to the breasts and Brazilian butt lifts are among two of the most popular procedures. During these procedures, Dr. Jonov harvests fat from one site of the body, often the abdomen or thighs. Then, he transfers it via injection into the butt or breasts. Fat can also be used as a filler, adding volume to targeted areas. Sometimes fat harvesting can happen on a smaller scale to fill in the tear troughs, augment the lips, or as cheek filler. There are many options for your fat transfer in Bellevue. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
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