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What Materials Are Used in Breast Implants?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast
Breast implants are the popular choice for individuals who want to enhance the look of the body contour. It addresses the asymmetry or reconstruction of breasts with the help of this surgery. However , the result depends on the kind of material you choose to give a more natural look. Understanding the materials used in breast implants can provide insight into their look, feel, durability, and safety.  Here, we’ll dive into the most common materials and their unique properties.

Materials Are Used in Breast Implants

1. Silicone Gel Implants

Silicone gel implants are among the most popular choices for breast augmentation, largely due to their natural feel. These implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that mimics the softness of natural breast tissue. The outer shell is also made of silicone, offering durability and flexibility. 

2. Gummy Bear Implants 

“Gummy bear” implants are filled with a thicker silicone gel that holds its shape better, even if the shell is compromised. This provides added safety as the gel tends to remain within the shell in the unlikely event of a rupture. However, regular monitoring with MRI scans may be advised to ensure implant integrity over time.

Pros of Silicone Gel and Gummy Bear Implants:

  • Natural look and feel
  • Range of gel cohesiveness options
  • Less prone to visible rippling


  • Requires a larger incision
  • May need periodic imaging for rupture detection

2. Saline Implants

Saline implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with sterile saline (saltwater) solution. Unlike silicone implants, saline implants are inserted empty and then filled once in place, allowing for a smaller incision. This type of implant is also customizable in size and is often slightly less expensive.One of the key advantages of saline implants is their safety profile. In the rare event of a rupture, the saline solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body. However, saline implants may feel less natural than silicone implants, particularly in individuals with thin skin or little natural breast tissue. They can also be more prone to rippling.

Pros of Saline Implants:

  • Smaller incision for insertion
  • Natural, safe absorption in case of rupture
  • Easier to detect ruptures


  • Less natural feel than silicone
  • Increased chance of visible rippling

3. Structured Saline Implants

Structured saline implants, such as the best implant, offer a blend of saline and structure to achieve a more natural look and feel. These implants have an inner structure that helps control the movement of the saline inside, resulting in a less “watery” feel. This structure allows them to more closely mimic the feel of silicone while maintaining the benefits of saline.

Pros of Structured Saline Implants:

  • Natural look and feel closer to silicone
  • No need for imaging to detect ruptures
  • Body absorbs saline safely in case of rupture


  • Typically more expensive than traditional saline
  • Limited availability compared to other options

4. Polyurethane-Coated Implants

Polyurethane-coated implants are less common but offer unique advantages. These implants have a layer of polyurethane foam around the outer silicone shell, which helps reduce the risk of capsular contracture (scar tissue formation around the implant). The polyurethane coating also helps the implant remain securely in place.

Pros of Polyurethane-Coated Implants:

  • Reduced risk of capsular contracture
  • Stable positioning within the breast pocket


  • Limited use in the United States
  • Requires an experienced surgeon

Bottom Line: Choosing the Right Implant Material

The choice of implant material depends on factors like desired appearance, feel, budget, and medical considerations. Consulting with an experienced surgeon can help individuals select the best implant for their body type and aesthetic goals. Whether opting for the natural feel of silicone, the safety of saline, or the structure of a specialized implant, understanding these options can empower individuals to make an informed decision for their breast augmentation journey.
How Much Does A Fat Transfer Cost

How Much Does A Fat Transfer Cost?

By | Fat Transfer
Fat transfer may be your solution if you’re looking for a long-term solution to a lack of volume in your body or face areas. But how much does a fat transfer surgery cost? Let’s dive into the details.

What Affects The Cost Of A Fat Transfer?

We would love to give you a straightforward answer about how much fat transfer costs and not just some vague response like, “Well, it all depends on….” But the truth is that it does depend on a few key surgical factors, such as:
  • Where your surgeon will harvest the fat for transfer
  • Where on your body you desire to add volume through the transfer of fat cells
  • How much fat is necessary to accomplish the effect you want 
Other things that influence the cost of fat transfer include:
  • Your surgeon’s experience level and background
  • Whether your procedure is at a surgical facility or a hospital
  • The geographic location of your surgery
  • Additional costs like pre-op and post-op appointments, anesthesia, and post-surgery care supplies

What Types Of Fat Transfer Procedures Can You Choose?

What areas of your body can you have fat transfer surgery? Fat transfer procedures are both body and facial surgeries. Let’s go over some of the areas that you can enhance with this method.


The breasts and buttocks are the two primary areas of the body that surgeons use the fat transfer method.
  • Breasts
A more natural approach to breast augmentation is fat transfer to the breasts. This surgery may be a good option for those who want to add volume to their chest but are worried about the safety of breast implants or how their body may respond to them.
  • Buttocks
A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) adds fat to your buttocks–but in a good way! It creates a rounded, curvy figure by moving fat from your chosen area to the buttocks.


Body fat transfer procedures, including facial fat transfer, are popular. Most patients choose facial fat transfer to enhance their lips or cheeks, though other areas, such as the jaw, can also benefit from fat transfer surgery.
  • Lips
Say goodbye to repeated lip filler injections. With a fat transfer procedure, you can get the full, pouty look you want and results that last.
  • Cheeks
Fat transfer to the cheeks can provide a definition that enhances your entire facial profile. It produces a rounded, contoured look that will be stunning with or without makeup.

What Is The Average Cost Of A Fat Transfer Surgery?

Different areas of the body require different amounts of fat transfer. For instance, if you’re having this procedure for your cheeks or lips, you’ll likely pay less than if you’re having it for your breasts or buttocks (though this isn’t always the case). We’ll list the average cost of fat transfer to these areas to give you a better idea of the potential cost of this long-lasting procedure.
  • Breasts: $9,932 (can cost between $4,378 and $17,500)
  • Buttocks: $6,525 (can cost between $6,000 and $18,000)
  • Lips: $3,000 (can cost between $2,000 and $6,000)
  • Cheeks: $5,000 (can cost between $2,500 and $12,000)

Know The Cost Of Fat Transfer

At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, you can learn more about fat transfer procedures that may be right for you. Schedule a consultation with one of our providers for a customized fat transfer surgery estimate. Call us today at (425) 775-3561, or book your free consultation online.
A Photo for a Blog Post About Will A BBL Fix Hip Dips

How to Get Rid of Seroma After Tummy Tuck

By | Tummy Tuck
The most famous procedure to remove excess fat is tummy tuck which gives amazing results. With the procedure comes a few complications too and one of them is called Seroma. It is a condition in which fluid is collected under the skin after the tummy tuck process. It causes the area to swell which triggers discomfort. In this article, we will explore some facts about seroma and ways to get rid of it faster.

What is Seroma?

A buildup of fluid at the place where the tissue is removed during the tummy tuck procedure is called a seroma. It is not harmful and disappears naturally. However, when it is large in size, medical intervention is required. They are swollen and contain fluid which causes discomfort to the patient. It is one of the complications that can occur during a tummy tuck procedure.

Cause of Seroma

The collection of fluids in the treated area can cause due to reasons such as:
  • Mishandling of the tissue during the procedure.
  • Poor drainage from the surgical site
  • Too much pressure placed on the treated area

Signs of Seroma 

There are a few signals to know whether you have a seroma developing inside the body or not, such as:
  • Swelling in the area
  • Skin discoloration 
  • Hardened area in the surgical area
  • Incorrect fluid drainage from the incision 

Get Rid of Seroma After Tummy Tuck

When you discover the formation of a seroma in the skin, do not panic as there are ways to remove it completely, such as: 
  1. Surgical Methods: Mild seroma does not require medical intervention but larger size needs to be attended by a surgeon to remove it completely. The methods such as:
  • Needle Aspirations: It is a minimal invasion technique that uses a needle to take the fluid out of the infected area. It gives immediate relief but multiple aspirations might be required in case of recurrence of seroma. 
  • Sclerotherapy: In this technique, a sclerosing agent is injected into the seroma cavity which forms the scar. The scar helps to seal off the cavity and prevent fluid from accumulating. It is mostly combined with needle aspiration. 
  • Seroma Catheter Placement: For more effective drainage of seroma, the catheter is used. This is inserted into the seroma to take the fluid out completely. It also reduces the risk of recurrence of seroma.
  • Surgical Excision: It is a complete surgical procedure in which seroma is removed with the help of surgical excision. 
However, it is important to remember that the choice of treatment depends on the condition of the seroma. A doctor can examine and suggest the best treatment for you. 
  1. Home Remedies: Apart from medical intervention, you can try some home remedies to speed up the healing, such as:
  • Say no to strenuous activities.
  • Apply warm compresses.
  • Keep surgical incisions clean and dry.
  • Wear compression garments as recommended by the surgeon.


Seroma might not be harmful but causes discomfort to the patient if developed after a tummy tuck procedure. To get rid of it, you can go for a medical procedure depending upon the size of the seroma formed. Some home remedies like applying a warm compress and wearing compression garments might also help. It can be caused due to poor drainage from the incision. If you find a hard area on the skin with some swelling then consult your doctor immediately.
How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

By | Breast Reduction

Belly fat can be stubborn and requires going the extra mile to shed some kilos. After a successful

breast reduction surgery, many wonder how to lose belly fat to get the perfect shape. Getting into the dream figure is a continuous process and thus could be overwhelming. Let’s discover ways to reduce the belly in the most effective and easy ways in this article. Let’s get started.

Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

Getting a tummy that looks great with the rest of the body isn’t easy; it takes putting in the hard work. By making some lifestyle changes, you can achieve this impossible dream. Let’s see how. 

Daily Exercise Routine 

Exercise is important for overall health, and when you have a target to reduce some belly fat, it becomes even more crucial. With the right amount of exercise on a daily basis, you can definitely see the results in a few months. Because you are not allowed to do any strenuous exercise after the breast reduction surgery, coming back to the exercise regime might seem challenging. Include the following in your workout:

  • Running
  • HIIT 
  • Cross training
  • Strength training  

After the recovery is done and you get a green signal to restart your strenuous daily activities from the surgeon, going to the gym is your next goal. 

Hydration is the Key 

Water solves many problems for the body, and thus staying hydrated is the most important part of losing weight from the belly. It increases the pace of the recovery process and helps with fast healing as well. Even after recovery, continue to drink plenty of water to maximize the benefits of breast reduction and to support your efforts to lose belly fat.  

Balance Diet 

Eating a balanced diet is a broken record, but the most important part is too. This helps you achieve the belly you are dreaming of. Include fruits, veggies, and proteins in your diet to fully get the results of all the efforts you are putting in.  

Reduce Stress Level

We understand that life could be stressful many times, but it directly affects the body in varied ways, and one of them is fat around the belly. Stress triggers the adrenal glands to release cortisol, which can interfere with your good eating habits. Cortisol triggers the urge to have more food, especially sugary and junk food. To get a hold of cortisol, try some meditation practices.  

Surgical Methods

When all is said and done, you can explore surgical methods like tummy tucks and liposuction to reduce the fat in the belly. However, it must be consulted by the surgeon first. 

Final Thought

In the quest to have a perfect body, many undergo different cosmetic procedures and achieve the benefits. Reducing belly fat is important after breast reduction to get a proportionate figure. With the help of daily exercise combined with a healthy lifestyle, you can maintain the benefits of surgery and shed some tummy fat. For some extra willful fat, you can also opt for a tummy tuck as a surgical method. However, every decision must be backed up by the consultation of a certified surgeon.

What Is Capsular Contracture And How Is It Treated

What Is Capsular Contracture And How Is It Treated?

By | Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is the most effective way to add volume to your chest and get your desired shapely figure. As with any surgery, there are some risks that come with breast augmentation. One of the more common conditions tied to this procedure is capsular contracture.But what exactly is capsular contracture? Are there signs or symptoms you need to watch for that may make you aware before it becomes an issue? How can you treat capsular contracture if it happens to you?

Capsular Contracture: What Is It?

Capsular contracture is the most common issue women face after having breast augmentation with implants. While it can be uncomfortable (and painful in severe cases), capsular contracture is generally not a risk to your overall health.When you have foreign objects implanted in any area of your body, the natural reaction your body’s immune system may have is to “cut off” the objects. In the case of breast augmentation, the objects would be the breast implants. You could develop capsular contracture if your body attempts to isolate the implants by increasing scar tissue around them.There isn’t a foolproof way to know in advance if you’ll experience capsular contracture after breast augmentation. However, women who have had previous surgeries or injuries and have an extensive amount of scarring may be prone to the condition. Since capsular contracture is scar tissue, those with certain genetic traits may be more likely to see excess scar tissue–and potentially capsular contracture–after their breast augmentation.

Recognizing The Symptoms

As you heal after your breast augmentation, there are a few signs you can keep an eye out for to detect capsular contracture. These include: 
  • Painful breast tissue
  • A firm or hard feeling around and in your breast tissue
  • Tightness in your breasts
  • Breasts that become asymmetrical, uneven, or misshaped
  • Decrease in mobility of muscles or tissue due to breast/chest tightness
  • Breasts that seem raised or sit higher on your chest

How To Treat Capsular Contracture

A few non-surgical options are available to treat capsular contracture. Methods like laser or ultrasonic therapy can help in less severe cases. Doctors may also recommend medications to help with some of the symptoms. Another technique is massage, though it can also be painful due to the pressure needed for this to be effective. Overall, non-surgical treatment techniques only help about half of the patients with capsular contracture.The best treatment for capsular contracture is surgery. A revision procedure is only necessary in cases that restrict mobility or cause severe pain or discomfort. Most women with mild capsular contracture don’t need to take any additional steps, at least not unless the condition becomes uncomfortable.Your surgeon will approach revision surgery in one of two ways: capsulotomy or capsulectomy.
  • Capsulotomy: Your surgeon creates more room and alleviates tightness by making small cuts in the capsules that are causing restriction.
  • Capsulectomy: Your surgeon removes the contracted capsule and the implant. If you’ve chosen to replace the old implant, your surgeon’s next step is placing the new one before closing the incision.

Get The Best Care For Capsular Contracture At The Gallery

The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery helps patients with severe cases of capsular contracture through revision surgery. If you’re struggling with the symptoms of capsular contracture, get relief with the help of our skilled providers. Call our office today at (425) 775-3561 or schedule your consultation online.

Did Taylor Swift Get Breast Implants?

By | Breast Augmentation

The paparazzi around Taylor Swift are always talking about the way she looks and recently social media has blown up due to the potential rumor that she has got breast implants. It is because of noticeable changes in her appearance at different public events. However, there is no concrete evidence of these whispers. Let’s further find out why this gossip occurs.

Reasons Behind The Enhanced Breast Size

The physical appearance of any celebrity is always the talk of the town and when it comes to Taylor Swift, no one can stop thinking about her. There can be several factors contributing to these rumors. Such as:

  1. Clothing Type: Recently, she was found in different designer tops and dresses which made the illusion of bigger breasts. A well-fitted structured outfit might give a delusion of raised curves. 
  2. Changes in Body: The body naturally changes due to aging. Weight fluctuations happen due to factors such as diet and exercise. Overall health can also impact body shape and size. 
  3. Role of Style and Make-up: Celebrities often work with professionals who might enhance their looks to a level that can even replace plastic surgery. 
  4. Role of Lights and Photographers: Professionals like photographers and lighting experts also contribute to perceiving physical changes. They take pride in enhancing the physical appearance of celebrities. 
  5. Photo Editing: There are hundreds of editing tools that can enhance the physical appearance the way we want. There could be an editing tool that has shown the breast a bit bigger than earlier. 

The Facts Behind The Rumors

Tylor Swift has kept her life relatively private. She has not publicly addressed the rumors about breast implants, which leaves the rumors as it is. Every celebrity has the right to privacy and thus, digging into the rumors can be just beating around the bush. Also, these public speculations contribute to unrealistic beauty standards and body image issues.

However, fans around the world, compare before and after photos from 2011. There is a chance that she might have done a fat transfer or grafting procedure to gain firmness but that is also mere speculation.

Beyond Physical Appearance

Tylor Swift is known for her mind-blowing singing. The gorgeous look of hers is always captivating but let’s not overshadow the talented singing. How she dresses and carries herself has a major effect on her physical appearance.  Her style of singing has already drawn the attention of millions of hearts. Whether the rumor is correct or not, the singing sensation will always remain a superstar known for her performance.

The Bottom Line

The life of celebrities has always made everyone awestruck. We all want to know everything about them forgetting that they have a right to privacy. Apart from being an amazing singer, Taylor Swift’s looks are also a buzz. Due to the apparent changes in breast size, rumors spread like fire about breast implants, however, we are not sure if they are mere rumors or facts. As Taylor Swift has not made any official comment on this gossip, we can not say that it is for real.

Dermal Fillers And The 7 To 9 Point Facelift

Dermal Fillers And The 7 To 9 Point Facelift

By | Facelift New, Facelift
When patients notice sagging skin or facial wrinkles, the only solution that comes to mind may be a facelift. However, in recent years, new types of facial fillers have opened the doors to younger-looking, wrinkle-free skin. The fact that these changes can occur without undergoing surgery creates the opportunity for additional patients to seek improvements to these cosmetic issues.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Injectors use dermal fillers to produce the effects of a facelift–lifting and smoothing the facial features–without surgery. These fillers usually contain hyaluronic acid. This substance is found organically in the body. In addition to collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid acts as a skin rejuvenator, helping moisturize and restore.

Dermal Fillers For A Liquid Facelift

Depending on the areas that require treatment, injectors will use various fillers to accomplish the desired results. Some fillers are suited to the midface region, such as the cheeks and nasolabial folds, while others are better equipped to deal with aging and wrinkles in the chin and jaw. Let’s discuss fillers frequently used by injectors and the locations where they are most effective.Some of the most popular dermal fillers are those produced from the naturally occurring element called hyaluronic acid. This substance can enhance the face, decrease lines, and add volume and bounce to the skin. Hyaluronic acid serves these purposes in many areas and through many different products. Juvederm can create plump lips and less hollow-looking under eyes, while Restylane has several formulas that target areas like the cheeks and fine lines around the mouth.One option for a long-term filler is Sculptra. This acid-based medicine is a collagen producer that helps restore the appearance of the skin and brings back a youthful look and feel. Sculptra’s effects can last for several years after the initial treatment sessions.While dermal fillers are the star of the liquid facelift, injectors may also use Botox or other wrinkle relaxers such as Xeomin, Dysport, and Jeuveau. These neurotoxins temporarily affect the muscles, relaxing them so they produce less movement at the surface. This limitation allows the skin above these muscles to rest and lose the wrinkled texture gained by overuse.What Are The 7 To 9 Points Of A Dermal Filler Facelift?Depending on the gender of the patient, injectors will target the majority of the following points.
  • Cheeks
  • Upper & Lower Cheekbones 
  • Under Eyes Or Tear Troughs
  • Around The Eyes
  • Near The Temples
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Lips
  • Around The Mouth
Enhancing these points helps provide facial definition and shapes that flatter the patient. Qualified injectors can alter the liquid facelift to suit the patient. For example, men often wish to concentrate on enhancements to their masculine features, such as a well-defined jaw. Women prefer to focus on creating volume and lift in strategic areas like the cheeks to produce a classically feminine appearance. A master injector will be able to help patients showcase their best features. 

Are You Considering a Liquid Facelift

The 7 to 9 point facelift, also known as the liquid facelift, is a viable procedure for patients desiring quick and natural results. Injections of dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers can produce stunning results without surgical intervention. The various choices of medicines and the specific areas they can target make this a highly customizable and personalized treatment option.Are you considering a facelift or a minimally invasive alternative? Call The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery at (425) 775-3561 to schedule a consultation today.

What Happens If Breast Implants Aren’t Replaced?

By | Breast Augmentation, Breast Revision
Breast augmentation is a popular surgery for women who want to feel comfortable and confident in their bodies. The recent trends show patients have chosen appropriately sized breast implants that suit their frames and highlight the organic curves of their figures.There are many questions patients should ask before their breast augmentation. Most questions will primarily focus on the pre-operative process, the surgery, and the immediate aftermath. However, patients should inquire about the long-term conditions of the implants and possible revision surgery. Before patients decide to undergo plastic surgery, they want to know that it will be worth the time, effort, and expense they spend on the procedure.Questions for patients to ask their surgeon about their procedure include: How long will the surgical results last? Do the implants need to be replaced? Are there any risks associated with implants that remain in place for years? Do other options exist besides replacing the breast implants? Patients can trust a board-certified plastic surgeon to address these and other concerns. 

What Makes Implant Replacement Necessary?

These are a few conditions patients can develop that may require implant replacement.Capsular ContractMost cases of capsular contraction are mild and don’t require treatment. A scar tissue barrier that forms around the implants is natural and can be beneficial. If an individual is prone to scar tissue development, this can lead to thicker tissue that begins to harden and contract around the implants. Severe cases can cause the implants to feel overly firm and produce an unnatural look.Rupture/LeakageA patient with saline implants will likely notice a rupture or leak. Saline-filled implants will shrink if the interior fluid leaks, leading to a flat, deflated appearance. The sterile salt water at the core of these implants shouldn’t be a concern since the body can absorb and dispose of this solution.Leaks and ruptures of silicone gel-filled implants are more difficult to detect. Doctors recommend regular scans to ensure the implants are in good condition. If a leak does occur, the gel will likely hold its shape and cling to itself, preventing the silicone from seeping out of the chest.Change In Implant Position Or ShapeOver time, breast implants can rotate or move in the chest. The shape of the implants can also alter. These changes can lead to a disproportionate or asymmetrical appearance. 

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

The general belief is that breast implants will last for ten years. While this may be the average number of years patients have their implants before undergoing revision surgery to replace them, ten years doesn’t necessarily speak to the lifespan of the implants. Some patients have had their implants for twenty years or more. As long as the implants are in good condition and the patient isn’t experiencing any difficulties, the implants can remain in place. 

The Next Step: Breast Revision

Patients may choose to have revision breast surgery if they experience issues with their implants. During a revision procedure, the surgeon can remove and replace the implants with a similar size or larger ones. If the patient doesn’t want to replace the implants, they can choose to have a breast lift. This procedure will remove any skin stretched by the implants and tighten the remaining tissue. Revision procedures are excellent ways to regain the youthful, feminine figure the implants first produced. 


The lifespan of breast implants varies. Some patients may need replacement implants after ten years. Other patients have gone two decades with the same implants. If the patient doesn’t experience any issues, breast implants can remain in place for many years.If you’re interested in revision breast surgery or breast augmentation, the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery can help. Call us at 425-775-3561 or fill out our online contact form to learn more about our procedures.

How To Inject Semaglutide For Weight Loss

By | Weight Loss, Body
Semaglutide injections are an effective way to lose weight. The semaglutide medication was FDA-approved for weight loss and weight management earlier this year. The medication requires that patients undergo weekly injections. Most people give themselves the semaglutide injection at home; however, patients can also come into the office for the injections. Giving yourself a semaglutide shot can sound daunting, but it is something that many people do every day. 

Injecting Semaglutide Weight Loss Medication

Semaglutide may come in either an injectable pen form or a traditional syringe. This ultimately depends on several factors, but both can be safely self-administered at home. When prescribed the medication, the patient’s provider will also demonstrate the right injection technique. 

How to Inject Semaglutide with an Injectable Pen

To inject semaglutide with an injectable pen, patients will first select the injection site. Semaglutide injections should be in the upper arm, stomach, or thigh. Additionally, patients should rotate these locations for each weekly injection. Next, patients should use an alcohol wipe to disinfect the injection site.Then, holding the pen firmly in their hand, they press it into the injection site. The patient never sees the needle this way, similar to injecting an Epi-pen. 

How to Inject Semaglutide with a Syringe

A traditional semaglutide injection syringe may require drawing medication up from a vial, or it may come pre-loaded in the syringe. Regardless, the injection process is similar following that initial step. Patients disinfect the area and should pinch the skin lightly. Then, carefully placing the needle underneath the skin, patients then push down the syringe and pull it out. 

Tips for How to Give Yourself a Semaglutide Shot

  • Set a schedule and perform the weekly semaglutide injections on the same day of the week at roughly the same time.
  • Inject two inches from the belly button on either side when injecting into the stomach. This area tends to hold more fat and be a less painful place to inject into the stomach.
  • Know that there is little pain overall when it comes to subcutaneous injections. These injections reach just below the skin and require a tiny needle in comparison to other injections you may have received. This is why certain injection sites are preferred and easier to inject into.
  • Rotating the injection site every week prevents skin irritation. This is especially important for patients who may have certain skin conditions. While patients are unlikely to experience major swelling following their injections, injecting semaglutide weight loss medication into the same place week after week would become painful, uncomfortable, and more likely to be injected.

Semaglutide Weight Loss Injections

Semaglutide weight loss injections brands, known as Ozempic and Wegovy, offer patients the freedom to take charge of their own weight loss journey in a way that is encouraging and prevents setbacks. If a patient has significant weight to lose, the semaglutide injections should not deter them. For most patients, it tends to become routine after a while.

Video Tutorial How To Inject Semaglutide and Where To Inject Semaglutide

To learn more and schedule a free semaglutide weight loss consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. Patients can also reach out and schedule online via chat, contact form, Price Simulator, or our online booking system.
A Photo For A Blog Post About, "How Long Does It Take For Botox To Stop Migraines?" It Take

How Long Does It Take For Botox To Stop Migraines?

By | Botox New, BOTOX®
Botox has many incredible uses aside from anti-aging. It can help prevent excessive sweating, promote TMJ healing, muscle spasms, and more. One of the top medicinal uses of Botox is its effectiveness in treating migraines. However, many patients worry that Botox won’t work for their migraines and wonder how long it takes to stop them. Botox is one of the most effective treatments for migraines because it reduces muscle spasms and chemical reactions in the nervous system. While it does not eliminate migraines, it successfully lowers their frequency. However, it usually takes two injection sessions before a patient begins to see the results. The treatments are spaced twelve weeks apart, so if you are not seeing results after the first round of injections, don’t worry. This doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working. It just needs time to build up in the system. Patients will need maintenance treatments every twelve weeks to continue to experience the benefits of Botox injections.The providers at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery understand the best ways and methods to administer Botox for migraines. They help patients through every step of the process and work to provide the best results. To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via our Price Simulator.