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Photo For A Blog Post About The Importance of Caregivers After Plastic Surgery

The Importance Of Caregivers After Plastic Surgery

By | Plastic Surgery Recovery, PSA
Like any surgical procedure, plastic surgeries require rest and recovery time. At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, our routine post-operative instructions require a patient to have a caregiver for the first 24 hours after surgery. There are many reasons The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery considers caregivers after plastic surgery a necessity.  Firstly, major complications from surgery are most likely to happen in the first 24 hours. This is due to many factors including, complications associated with general anesthesia, and the body returning to normal function following surgery. While major complications rarely happen, it is important that they are handled well if they do.  Secondly, patients often do not have full range of movement and experience pain following surgery. Caregivers can ensure the patient rests adequately and is taken care of. They may also need help moving around to prevent blood clots or use the bathroom.  Finally, caregivers provide vital emotional support. Plastic surgery causes a variety of emotions in patients and it is important they feel supported. While Dr. Jonov and The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery team support patients as much as possible at post-op appointments, having a trusted person with them following surgery can make recovery more bearable.  To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online
A Photo For A Blog Post About Scar Care In Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: Caring For Your Incision & Scar Care

By | Plastic Surgery Recovery, Microneedling
After any surgery, caring for the incision is crucial to a safe recovery. Cosmetic surgery patients often value minimizing their scars as much as they can. This starts with the proper care following surgery and extends for the first year or more.Immediately after surgery, it is imperative to follow Dr. Jonov’s instructions concerning your incision. Every surgery is different and caring for an incision on the abdomen is different from caring for a facelift incision. Typically, Dr. Jonov will advise to avoid getting the area wet for a time to discourage infection. He may also prescribe an antibiotic.Dr. Jonov will then recommend our proprietary prescription scar protocol that you will use for the next 12 months. This 5 phase protocol cares for the incision to reduce the look of your surgical scar and is the gold standard of incision and scar care. It is important to start it as soon as possible to garner the best results. Each phase is perfectly curated to treat a specific stage of the healing process. In general, the protocol must be started within 6 months of surgery.If you have an older scar, or want to further minimize your scar, microneedling can smooth the texture and look of surgical scars. This can work on older scars. While it may not make the scar totally disappear, it can smooth a rough scar and contribute to an improved appearance. To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Picture for blog post about Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

What To Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery

By | Plastic Surgery Recovery, Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as a male breast reduction, is a cosmetic surgery performed to treat gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition that causes development of male breasts. When there are no other underlying health problems, Dr. Jonov can perform a male breast reduction to remove excess skin and fat. Giving them the sleeker and sculpted chest they desire. 

Like any surgery, gynecomastia surgery has a recovery period. Typically, patients require at least a few days of risk and return to work within a week or so. Although, based on individualized factors, you may require more time off work to ensure a good and safe result. Some male breast reduction surgeries only require liposuction and these less invasive procedures can require less downtime. Dr. Jonov will ensure you understand the amount of time you need off work. 

As far as side effects go, you can expect to experience some localized pain, swelling, redness, bruising, and tenderness. Dr. Jonov will prescribe medications to manage these side effects and they should go away on their own. 

Your results should settle in over time. The final results following cosmetic surgery can take a few months to develop as skin settles and swelling goes down. You should see an immediate difference in the size of your chest after surgery.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

Smoking risks of cosmetic surgery

Smoking Increases Your Risk During Surgery: Why You Should Quit Before Seeking Plastic Surgery

By | PSA, Plastic Surgery Recovery
If you’ve ever sought cosmetic surgery as an active cigarette smoker, you may have found that surgeons are often hesitant to perform certain procedures (or any surgery) on you. This is because smoking can exponentially increase your risk of complications, especially when it comes to facial surgeries, tummy tucks, and breast lifts.Smoking causes blood vessels to shrink and restricts blood flow. This can cause skin loss or other major complications after surgery. When it comes to facial procedures, blood flow is imperative to healing because of the increased number of blood vessels in and around the face. Most cosmetic surgeons will not perform facial procedures like a facelift on an active smoker without having them quit for a period of time before surgery.In addition to blood vessel constriction, smoking harms the immune system. Even in those with a fairly strong immune system, smoking can cause coughing fits that can damage stitches or incisions.Whether you do or have smoked frequently, Dr. Jonov can provide resources to help you quit or discuss your options for meeting your cosmetic surgery goals. To schedule a consultation at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.
Woman exercising to maintain Bellevue plastic surgery results

The Best Way To Maintain Your Plastic Surgery Results? Healthy Diet and Exercise

By | PSA, Plastic Surgery Recovery, Procedures Information
After undergoing any plastic surgery procedure, like breast augmentation, mini tummy tuck, or blepharoplasty, many patients wonder how they can ensure their results are long lasting. Plastic surgery can provide lifelong results, but it depends upon your lifestyle. Making sure you continue a healthy diet and exercise after your cosmetic surgery will help maintain your results.For some procedures, such as a tummy tuck or liposuction, keeping your weight steady is an important part of seeing long lasting results. If you become pregnant or gain significant weight, this can reverse or complicate your results. For other procedures, like breast surgeries, weight gain or loss can change the shape and size of the breasts.Even before undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure, it is important to consider your lifestyle and health problems. Your plastic surgeon will help you do this in a consultation. But, having a good idea of the problems you may have maintaining your results can help your plastic surgeon create a custom surgery plan that will help you get the best results you can maintain.Obviously, sometimes weight fluctuations are out of our control, even major ones, but keeping your body in good shape and healthy will only promote and help any other health problems.