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Breast Implants Bellevue: Ways To Treat Capsular Contracture

By December 7, 2020 No Comments
Capsular contracture is a rare complication of breast implants where scar tissue forms a capsule around a breast implant. While possible to experience no symptoms, some patients experience pain, distortion of their results, tightness, and increased firmness. The formation of scar tissue is normal. Although, it should not cause any symptoms or change the look or feel of your results. If you develop capsular contracture, are there ways to treat capsular contracture?There are many ways to treat capsular contracture and it depends on the severity. For Grade I, it is likely most patients will not notice any difference or symptoms. Therefore, no treatment is needed. For Grades II and III, which do not commonly cause pain, ultrasound assisted lymphatic massage has shown to reduce and treat capsular contracture. Grade IV capsular contracture is the most severe and often painful. While ultrasound massage may provide some benefit, the best course of action for this type of capsular contracture may be breast revision or implant removal. Known as an en bloc removal, Dr. Jonov removes the breast implant and full scar tissue capsule. If you want to replace one or both breast implants at this time, you usually can do so.To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also contact us online via chat, our Price Simulator™ app, or contact form.
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.