A mommy makeover plastic surgery is not one standard procedure. It combines multiple surgeries based on the patient’s needs and goals. Thus, this means that every aspect of the procedure including surgical time, side effects, risks, and recovery time can all vary widely depending on the procedures involved and the specifics of the patient. Let’s look at the question, “How long is downtime for a mommy makeover?”The surgery will almost always include breast surgery and tummy surgery. This usually involves at least one to two weeks of general downtime. However, certain procedures may result in two to three weeks. During this time, patients can usually get up and walk and after about one week or so, perform basic household tasks on their own. Though, this will be different for everyone. As far as returning to work, patients without physically difficult jobs can usually return in one to two weeks. Dr. Jonov will discuss this with you during your consultation. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

With fall upon us, it is a great time to undergo skincare procedures that may not be recommended during the summer months. A great example of this is chemical peels which cause the skin to peel and become more sensitive. Chemical peels are a great exfoliant and can be performed year round, but they do require more caution during the summer months. Let’s look at the question, “Why is fall the best time to get a chemical peel?”Since the sun is out more and stronger during the summer, this puts your chemical peel treated skin at risk of damage or further irritation. The skin is especially sensitive to the sun following a chemical peel. Now, of course, UV rays and sunlight do still get through during the fall and winter, but it is much weaker, less frequent, and easier to protect your skin from than the summer sun.Wearing sunscreen whenever you go outside is often enough to protect yourself from the sun during the fall and winter. In the days following your chemical peel, you may consider also wearing a hat, but overall, your skin is much less likely to be damaged by the sun after a chemical peel during the fall and winter months.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

The decision to get breast implants is one that patients should weigh carefully. While they are the most popular breast augmentation method, they are not right for everyone. Here are 3 things to know before getting breast implants.#1: They May Show When You Flex
The majority of breast implants are placed under the chest muscle. This does create a more natural look during everyday life. However, if you happen to use or flex the chest muscles, this can distort the look of the breast implants. Therefore, patients who are weightlifters, dancers, yoga instructors, etc. may want to consider another method. In rare cases, Dr. Jonov may place the breast implants above the muscle, but this is not common due to the increased risk of certain complications.#2: Bigger (Or Smaller) Is Not Always Better
Patients usually come into their consultation with an idea of the breast size they want. However, the implant size that will get them there is not always obvious since this depends on their current breast size, bone structure, and anatomy. Make sure to try on multiple breast implant sizes—even ones you may think may be too big or small—because the right size may surprise you.#3: You Can Keep Scars Away From The Chest
The traditional breast augmentation incision is in the inframammary fold. While this is hidden, many patients do want the scar away from the breast. The transaxillary and transumbilical methods are options for keeping scars away from the breasts.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Nose jobs, or rhinoplasty surgery, are a form of facial plastic surgery often associated with younger patients. In the media, it is not hard to find portrayals of teenage girls and young women undergoing nose jobs. While young people still make up many rhinoplasty patients, many believe you can only get a rhinoplasty surgery at a young age. Let’s delve deeper into this misconception by answering the question, “Is 35 too old for a nose job?” You cannot be too old for a nose job. After it matures in your mid to late teen years, the nose can be operated on at any point following that. The nose—structurally—experiences fewer changes with aging. Thus, this means that patients of nearly any age can undergo rhinoplasty as long as they are healthy and good candidates. 35 is a perfectly fine age for a nose job. Many people choose to have a rhinoplasty later on because perhaps it better fits their budget or their nose did not bother them in their younger years. Additionally, accidents happen and reconstructive nose surgery can become desired at any age due to this. To learn more and find out if you are a good candidate for a nose job, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov. You can contact us by calling 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
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