Chemical peels treat a variety of skin concerns. From aging to hyperpigmentation, the right chemical peel can improve both the look, health, and quality of your skin. Therefore, a frequent question our master estheticians hear has to do with the best skin peel for a patient’s specific concerns. Let’s look at one variety of this question, “What are the best chemical peels for acne scars?” Often acne scars, especially if years old, require a medium strength peel to see noticeable improvement. A salicylic acid peel is a great option that is commonly used and overall safe for the skin. It can help reduce the appearance of ice pick acne scars. Hypertrophic acne scars are harder to treat with chemical peels. A VI Peel is another amazing option for treating acne prone skin and acne scars. It is a medium strength peel that uses a mixture of acids to help reduce breakouts and the appearance of acne scars. This is often recommended as the gold standard when it comes to chemical peels for acne scars. Your master esthetician may also recommend adding microneedling or another treatment to improve results. To learn more and schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

The under eyes are one of the areas of the face prone to darkness, hollowing, and thinning. Therefore, even people who have not experienced other signs of aging may notice that their under eyes begin to take on a perpetually tired and hollowed look. Dermal fillers are often the recommended course of action in these cases. Let’s answer the question, “Are under eye fillers noticeable?” Under eye fillers–when done correctly–mask hollowness and brighten up the eye area. However, if the areas are overfilled or if the skin is particularly thin, it can look unnatural or cause the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect is where the filler can appear blueish underneath the skin. This is fairly rare but occurs more often in the under eye area when compared to other treatment areas. Generally, when performed by a qualified and experienced injector, under eye filler is not overly noticeable. Many will notice your rejuvenated look, but it should not be glaringly obvious that you underwent filler injections. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure that involves removing extra skin and stubborn fat pockets from the thighs. While it most commonly treats the inner thighs, it can treat any area of the thighs. While many want to address this area, many patients express concern about their recovery. Let’s look at one commonly asked question, “Can you walk after a thigh lift?” You likely will not feel like walking immediately after surgery and may need help for the first day or two. However, usually within a few days, patients can get up and walk on their own. However, it is important not to do any more than light walking as you do not want to put a strain on your incisions or healing tissues. Avoid running, stretching, or lifting with your legs. Regular exercise can usually begin about six to eight weeks after surgery. Though, most patients can return to their daily activities in about two to three weeks depending on the extent of their surgery. Ultimately, each recovery period is different based on the patient. To learn more about thigh lift surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

A nose job surgery is considered among the top plastic surgeries in the world. It is not generally touted as an anti-aging surgery, especially since patients of all ages undergo a rhinoplasty. However, some patients who want to look younger sometimes ask, “Does a rhinoplasty make you look younger?” In some cases, a rhinoplasty can make you look younger. Aging does affect the nose. While it is not as noticeable as in other areas of the face, the nose can become droopier and the tip loses its definition. Rhinoplasty surgery can correct this. Now, while the average facelift makes you look about seven to ten years younger, a nose job is said to be somewhere around 3 years younger on average. However, a rhinoplasty can be combined with a facelift or other anti-aging procedure for even better results. Ultimately, you and Dr. Jonov can help determine the right combination of procedures during a consultation. The main motivation behind nose job surgeries usually is not to look younger. Though, for some patients, it is one additional perk. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

Microblading is similar to the tattooing process and uses color matched pigment to enhance the fullness and shape of the eyebrows. Considering this is semi-permanent and does penetrate the skin, a concern some people have when thinking about microblading is, “Does microblading damage your skin?” Let’s look into this question more to find out how the average person’s skin reacts to the treatment. One difference between microblading and tattooing is that microblading does not go as deep into the skin. Therefore, the risk of major scarring is less significant. However, pinpoint bleeding and many of the side effects seen with tattoos can also happen with microblading. It does do some basic surface damage, but nothing that your body cannot heal. There is an extremely small risk of permanent skin damage. However, this is extremely unlikely for most people and the people more susceptible to this are those who tend to develop raised scarring or those with certain skin disorders. In these cases, your microblading artist may recommend a different brow enhancement. To learn more about Bellevue microblading and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
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