Breast augmentation–like all surgeries–comes with some temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, and numbness. In most cases, these resolve within a few weeks and are managed via prescription medications and aftercare. One of the most common concerns is loss of nipple sensation which can occur following breast augmentation surgery. Let’s look further into the frequently asked question, “When do you regain feeling in the nipples after breast augmentation?” First off, it should be noted that not all patients will experience loss of sensation in the nipples after surgery. While they likely will be numb immediately after surgery due to anesthetics, this will gradually wear off over one to two days. If you had a transaxillary or transumbilical breast augmentation, the nipples are less likely to be affected. If you do experience loss of nipple sensation, it can take time to resolve. Many will begin getting some feeling back within two to three months after surgery. However, it can take a year or more to resolve in some patients. Though, it is more common for those who underwent a periareolar incision to experience longer loss of sensation than those of any other incision. Most patients experience a full or nearly full return of sensation within one year. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

Buccal fat pad removal surgery is slowly becoming one of the most popular facial plastic surgeries for the younger adult population. The procedure involves removing some or all of the buccal fat pad in the cheeks for a slimmer appearance. Usually, it is ideal for patients who genetically carry more fat in their cheeks and have not seen it go away with age or weight loss. So, how long does it take to see buccal fat removal surgery results? Occasionally, you may notice some immediate results. However, these will likely become distorted by swelling and potential bruising. Within two weeks, most side effects should have subsided enough to return to work and most of normal life. Though, the final results will likely not yet be evident. By months three and four, many patients begin to see more significant results. Often, patients will be happy with their results at this point, though the body may still have healing to do. In general, plastic surgery results are considered final after nine to twelve months. At that point, you can confidently observe buccal fat pad removal surgery results. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3565. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.

Lash extensions are small faux eyelashes adhered to the natural lashes to create extra length and volume. Generally, after placement, our master estheticians recommend not touching the lashes and not applying mascara. However, contradictory to this advice, many lash experts recommend brushing the extensions to keep them from tangling and maintain them for longer. So, are you supposed to brush lash extensions?Yes, gently brushing through your lashes with a dry, clean mascara brush removes debris that could potentially break down the adhesive. This can keep your lashes on longer as well as make sure they are always looking their best. Additionally, when sleeping, the extensions can become tangled which can put stress on them. Gently brushing alleviates this.While brushing is encouraged, do so as gently as possible and only once (or twice in some situations) a day. Overbrushing could prematurely damage or pull out the lashes, which can even put your natural lashes in peril. While unlikely, it is best to simply make it a quick part of your routine to gently brush your lashes once a day.To learn more, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, Price Simulator, or our online contact form.

Neuromodulator injections, such as Dysport, are non-surgical injections that do not require recovery. However, for a couple of days after your injections, you may need to slightly modify your routine to promote the best results and treat or prevent side effects. Let’s look at the question, “What should I avoid after Dysport injections?”First off, for the first 24 hours after your Dysport injections, your master injector will recommend avoiding exercising or anything that will get the skin too hot or that may cause sweating. It is also best that if you can avoid blood thinning medications and supplements, including over-the-counter ones such as Ibuprofen, this can help reduce and prevent swelling and bruising.Secondly, while you can return to work and daily activities, try to avoid bending your head forward. This can cause the Dysport to spread as well as increased blood flow which can lead to bruising and swelling. This is generally only for about four to six hours following injections.Finally, avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours as–similar to blood thinners–can increase bruising and swelling. Additionally, it is just generally not good for the healing process. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.
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