A lot of people believe that breast implants only come in two different types, saline and silicone. There is actually a variety of breast implant types that all offer a unique set of benefits. One aspect of the breast augmentation procedure that we focus on at the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery is finding the type of breast implant that will best satisfy our patients’ aesthetic needs.Saline ImplantsSaline implants are silicone casings that are filled with a sterile solution of saltwater. Saline implants are very popular, because they are the most affordable option. Saline implants do not feel as natural as other options, but they offer excellent aesthetic results.Silicone ImplantsSilicone implants offer results that look and feel more natural than those of saline implants. They are made from a silicone casing that is filled with a silicone gel. Silicone implants have a much smaller chance of rupturing than saline implants, and they are more likely to retain their shape if a rupture occurs.Gummy Bear ImplantsThanks to a number of scientific advancements, there is now a type of implant that offers unparalleled natural-looking and natural-feeling results. Gummy bear implants are made from a high quality cohesive silicone gel that makes the implants feel like natural breast tissue. This silicone gel is strong enough to retain its shape while simultaneously remaining soft to the touch.Gummy bear implants have a significantly smaller chance of rupturing compared to all other implant types. You have two different options when it comes to gummy bear implants: round and anatomical.Round Gummy Bear ImplantsRound gummy bear implants have a smooth and symmetrical circular shape and a semi-circular profile. These implants are ideal for women who want a noticeably full appearance in the upper portion of their breasts and desire more prominent cleavage.Anatomical Gummy Bear Implants The shape of anatomical implants is designed to accurately mimic the shape of natural breasts. The upper portion of the implant has a smooth slope that transitions into a fuller and more beautifully contoured shape near the bottom. These implants also have a more natural-looking profile.Contact the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation for your breast augmentation procedure. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Craig Jonov can work with you to find the best implant type for you.
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