Laser hair removal has made removing your unwanted body hair simple, quick, and pain-free. The technology behind the treatment is key for the outstanding results it provides.During the process, a laser vacuum is placed on the surface of the skin. The laser vacuum will pull and stretch the skin so that it is thin enough for the laser energy to properly target the melanin within the hair. The heat emitted by the laser is absorbed by the hair follicle, which will damage it and significantly impede its ability to regrow hair.Laser hair removal makes it much easier to maintain and manage your unwanted body hair. It permanently reduces the amount of hair that grows in the treated area so that is easier to groom the area using other methods. You can also receive additional treatments to remove any hairs that have grown after your initial procedure.Traditional methods of hair removal like shaving and waxing can lead to significant discomfort and can cause issues like irritation and razor burn. These methods also require that you perform them on a routine basis, because their effects will typically last for only three days.If laser hair removal sounds like the ideal solution to your unwanted body hair problems, contact The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation for your laser hair removal treatment. We can provide you with the care and results you are looking for.
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